I got hacked! Part II – PayPal

I wake up this morning and get two e-mails from PayPal. They are receipts that get sent automatically upon paying someone. www.chinesetravler.com I don’t recognize the site and checked it out. The whole site is in Chinese!! 😡 My account got hacked obviously so I logged in to change password and such and then file a claim for unauthorized payments.

Later on, the website personnel called me to confirm if this was my own doing or not.  Of course, I told him it wasn’t.  I also filed for them to look into this case.  While it’s not much, $52.50 total, it’s the CONCEPT that they could’ve taken a whole lot more!

Lessons learned:

  • Make your passwords stronger by using non-words only that you know
  • Change the passwords frequently.

I hope this doesn’t happen again.

My E-mail & Website got Hacked!

If you get an e-mail from me and I sound terrible (more than usual!) grammatically and all, it’s not ME!  Someone managed to hack into my e-mail account (yahoo one) and sent out spam e-mail to all my contacts with a link to some bogus website to buy stuff!  😡  Erg… it’s my very first time where someone logged into my account and sent out a bunch!!

I’m gonna have to regularly change my passwords now…  🙁  What is the world coming to?!

EDIT: Never mind!!  My website got hacked too!!  😮  WTF?!!  😡

Biking to Work

So to include exercise and healthy habits into my life, I have decided to bike to work. This also helps in conserving little bit of gasoline as the prices are soaring still these days. When using Google Maps, it estimated my route to be about 5 miles each way.

Well, this wouldn’t be possible without a bike. Much thanks goes to Chung for lending me his awesome bike (rebuilt in the good ol’ Chung fashion) with new tires, brakes and chain! 😀 Both wheels can be removed. So after some purchases at local Academy store, I was set. I intentionally left bit earlier than normal to avoid my biggest nemesis: heat. I left at 7:30 am and it took me about 40 minutes to get to work. While that may sound slow, I do have a bag with me with a change of clothes.

Also thanks goes to Daniel for his tip on getting gloves ’cause otherwise, it would’ve been both my butt AND palms that hurt. My buttocks are still sore but I hope that they will be fine after a week or so. I will be leaving in about 15 minutes (5:30 pm local CST) to avoid heat. I’m starting at twice a week. In less than a month, I hope to increase it to 3 times a week.

The downside is that I can’t fit lunch into my messenger bag. I do have lunch bag but not sure if it would survive the bumpy ups and downs for 5 miles. Any tips from pros?! 😛 Anyhow, this was only possible since my work place has shower facility! Yeah, Boeing! 😀 Here’s to safe ride back! Please, if you see bikers on the road (not motorcycles!), be kind and don’t honk and give us some freakin’ space!!

EDIT: Ok… I just got back… and I have to say… Houston is NOT biker-friendly!!  I know Houston drivers in general are rough, let alone towards bikers.  So at any given major intersections, I get off my bike and cross as a walker.  HOWEVER, after pressing the button to walk across, I waited for not one, not two, but THREE cycles of traffic lights and the sucker wouldn’t change for a human to cross!!  Listen, Texas DoT or whoever owns these lights… FIX your d*** traffic lights!!  Where’s my freakin’ tax dollar going to, anyway?!! 😡

I remembered why…

… I hated alcohol with passion.

I know this kid.  I spoke with him recently to learn that he and his mom are moving out.  Why?  His father is a drunk… a violent one at that.    His father would threaten him and the family.  If the law was up to me, I’d allow imprisonment solely based upon physical threat upon an immediate family member.    Why must men do this??

The sad part is that his dad is not the first that I know of.  Another sister in Christ suffers heavily from such a violent father.  In fact, she doesn’t know the whereabouts of her mom because her mom ran away for her own safety, and because she was so scared for her own life, she didn’t let any of her children know where she disappeared to…

Why must we do such a thing to our own family.  Alcohol itself isn’t evil.  However, when you mix it with men, it becomes way too dangerous.  Alcohol has to be one of the worst family breakers ever.  I am ashamed to be a man because of such family violence that we cause.  I seldom touch alcohol and it will become even less frequent as I hear more of such tragedies…

Please pray for the safety of the kid and his mom…  and all the children and the spouses of abused out there.  I’m sure God is more than sad to see this kind of brokenness.  And men, please remember what addiction can do to your loved ones…

ER x 5

I’ve never been to ER in my life… until I lost my eye sight temporarily!
It happened when I was a Research Assistant at UT and worked with lasers. This one particular UV lamp bounced around a chamber (as a wave) and “fried” my eyes temporarily. My eyes hurt whether I close them or not! It was my very first time at ER…

Then, I got married. Soojin cut her left index fingertip off one day cutting odang (fishcake) and went to ER only to wait several hours. She got it back together thanks to her never-giving up attitude.

Then we went again when Anna was about a year old and her fever was over 104F!! Only to wait like 6 hours and get stupid Infant Motrin! We were back earlier again this year when Anna had some kinda stomach virus and kept throwing up even liquids! But we were there for 8 hours!

Then this past Sunday, Soojin and Sanghee went to Texas Children’s Hospital for JJ’s nasty gash! Out of our 5 experiences, we have learned to avoid Clear Lake Regional Medical Center with 100-yard stick and if it’s our kids and not life-threatening, we are better off driving up to Texas Children’s!!

I avoided hospitals and ERs for so long… but having a family definitely makes that ER avoidance impossible! Oh well… at least we are all better and we have all been to ER at least once!


Yikes!  What a day!

So we are at church.  I’m setting up the computer and others for service, and Soojin’s doing her usual greeting preparations… suddenly JJ comes running crying!  And what do I see?!!  A huuuuge gash on his right rear forehead!!   😮

The gash was about 1/4″ deep and half inch or so long!  I’m not that worried ’cause it looked like a bad scar but nothing serious.  Soojin takes a look and she is freaking out to the nth degree!!

Eventually, we decide to wait for Sanghee Samonim to get here (she’s a RN) and get her opinion who says at her arrival that JJ needs to get to ER.  So Soojin and Sanghee leave for Texas Children’s Hospital.

Eventually, the doctors decide to pull the skins together to apply… some kind of crazy glue!  😮  Yikes… I never knew that there’s an alternative to the old fashioned stitches!  Anyhow, Soojin later told me how well JJ was at the ER.  He didn’t cry one bit!  Even the nurses and the doctor were surprised!  He made me so proud.

Kids play and get hurt.  I’m just glad and thankful that it wasn’t worse.  Boys though do play rougher and are more prone to such larger damage.  Oh well.  C’est la vie!

True Heroes still exist: Good Samaritan trucker saves a young father

Awesome story!

This is what true heroes do. Act before thinking to save another. May God bless this unknown hero truck driver. This by far saves all the truckers around the world! 😮 Good Samaritan indeed. In the midst of terrible and horrible new, I just love hearing such awesome news. 😀 I can only pray that God will continue spread such awesome people more around the world.  Reading this story nearly made me cry!

Here’s to you Mr. Samaritan truck driver! You are our hero!