I like the new Bond… he’s a ninja with mad skillz! Ok, really, I like his darker character and the portrayal of more realistic scenarios. And the guy plays his role exceptionally well! Well, the new Bond movie is coming out! And it’s gonna be called “Quantum of Solace”!?! What the… Anyway, this should be good!
Getaway Trip to Austin
So since I had free time and being more flexible, I decided to head up to Austin to see some friends I hadn’t seen in years!
I got hold of Minkyung who was visiting her mom in Kileen, and went to see her. She is now a mother of two! 😮 Her one-year-old daughter was sleeping so she came out with just her 4-year-old daughter. She is very cute and looks and acts just like her mom.
After that, I came down to have dinner with two Young Nak members: Taeyoung and Sungsoo. Taeyoung is still as well-behaved as ever… and still calls me “ah-juh-ssi”! LOL. I suppose I deserve that since she’s 20! 😛 Sungsoo, who is now 23, was becoming a very thoughtful man. For those that know him, I knew him when he was in high school and has always had attitude with him. So I was very pleasantly shocked to find out he’s been teaching Sunday school, taking kids on mission trips and such. God does do miracles after all!! LOL…
Then, I went to visit the newlywed, Sunhee. It happened that Chancety was in town as well, so I got to see those … along with Sunhee’s wife. It was good just hanging out and catching up. I was just glad to see him doing well…
Then thanks to Joe John, I had a place to sleep for the night! 😀 After church at good ol’ AKPC, I had lunch with Young Ji, young Hwa, and Hakbum, and good ol’ time catching up on everyone…
Afterwards, I tried to see if I could visit Daniel and Amanda but they were busy. But thankfully, Karen noona and her family were free! So I went to visit them in south Austin and had good time catching up sharing about everything from raising kids to Korean culture.
I realized that it really isn’t that far from PS’ house to Austin! It’s only a little over 2 hours! And I wasn’t even speeding!! Anyhow, I hadn’t seen some of these people for 5 years! When I visit Dallas, I will be seeing people that I hadn’t seen in longer time than that!! Yikes!
My E-mail & Website got Hacked!
If you get an e-mail from me and I sound terrible (more than usual!) grammatically and all, it’s not ME! Someone managed to hack into my e-mail account (yahoo one) and sent out spam e-mail to all my contacts with a link to some bogus website to buy stuff! 😡 Erg… it’s my very first time where someone logged into my account and sent out a bunch!!
I’m gonna have to regularly change my passwords now… 🙁 What is the world coming to?!
EDIT: Never mind!! My website got hacked too!! 😮 WTF?!! 😡
Day 18: Biking Update
Today is my Day 18… so it is roughly 4 weeks since I began riding bike to work. It began as 2 days in the first week, then 3 days the following, and the past 2 previous weeks were 4 days each. However, today marks the very first week where I rode in all five days to work! 😀
I am tired… and sleepy. However, I am very glad that God helped me in biking to work for the entire week! So far, I had to bike home in rain twice. Yesterday, rain had stopped, but worse than rain or water are the debris that falls or moves from rain.
All you bikers, watch for the debris and other dangerous things (like broken glass/bottle!) on the road! Sheesh… Here’s to a continual 5-day biking weeks ahead!! Also wanted to thank everyone (ok, 3 of you I think!) for the encouraging words!
The Aftereffects of Hair Dye
After only a month of dyeing my hair, I noticed that the roots were coming back to white! 🙁 So I got myself the hair root kit and gave it a shot. Well, since it was my first time at it, just cut me some slack… laugh at the pictures and just enjoy… and leave me alone! 😛 I was overzealous and look like a Korean version of Wolverine!! LOL… 😀
Soojin and the Family in Korea: Update
Thanks to everyone that has been praying for Soojin and the kids. Soojin is feeling well enough that she can attend church, walk couple of blocks, and take the kids to the local library. 😀
Kids are enjoying themselves in Korea… eating all the Korean popsicles (JJ loves “Jaws bar” and Anna loves Lotte’s “Screw bar” – no jokes please). To keep them entertained, Anna has been loving piano lesson (which is mainly learning how to read notes) and both have just started on some kind of art/painting class. Both love that latter one so much that they don’t want to leave!
I also wanted to take this time to thank everyone that has offered meals and weekend “lodging”. PS was the first to buy me a meal when I returned (though his first words were, and I quote, “I missed you Peter! I had no one to pick on!” 😛 Then that weekend, John and Christine took me in for the Saturday, and though John is semi-vegetarian, he cooked me an awesome (medium-rare!) steak! John and Joanne also invited me over for a meal and offered free room anytime I need it! Andrew also bought me an awesome meal at this nice Italian place near Galleria mall! Joanna has been also super about it… thanks for helping me discover awesome Mexican place! Chung & Celeste always offered meals & room and I would’ve taken their offer if it weren’t for them being over an hour’s drive away! 🙁 It’s great to know that you are taken care of…
Princess Bride: The Game!
Wow… many of you know that one of my all-time favorite movies is Princess Bride. What you didn’t know (and neither did I till today!) is that it’s coming out as a game! 😮 That’s … inconceivable! 😛 The game site is live. Here’s a movie of what the game will be like… basically an adventure type game. It’s just too funny… Anyone wanna buy it for me?! LOL…