E. Coli virus breaks out in Spinach!!

 CNN News

Here’s a very good excuse to not eat any spinach for a while!!    E. Coli virus broke out in 10 states (so far) and believed to be found in packed spinach!  So avoid it for a while!  Stay healthy people!

One Reply to “E. Coli virus breaks out in Spinach!!”

  1. wow… you write a lot on your blogs!!!
    why do rocket scientists always get asked to parties? cuz they know how to have a blast!….
    funerals? .. cuz they always know the gravity of the situation.
    long lines? .. cuz they know about being “wait-less”
    football programs?… cuz they make good boosters.
    etc etc.
    all to say that you and your family are surely a blessing

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