Friendly Rival & Competition: Parents Fighting for the Kids’ Affection

Ever since we had Anna, I’ve had a jealous heart towards my wife. You see, Anna always preferred (naturally, I suppose) her mommy over daddy… especially at night. Soojin used to console me by saying that it’s natural this way and after all, she did spend most time with Anna since I had to go work.

Well, times do change after all… enter…

…number 2! 😀 JJ was then born… and he naturally started to grow more affectionate towards me more than Soojin! Naturally, Soojin began to get jealous! Hee… and I told her … the same story she told me!

It’s quite funny actually…. it’s not that we love our kids any less or more than each other… but when you feel that your kids love the other parent, it just feels… sad. Today was such a day again… JJ woke up while sleeping and as I went to console him, he called out for daddy. Ah… what a joyful kid, eh?! Got his act straight! LOL… Anyhow, my wife heard JJ calling for me. After I put him back to sleep and as we finished watching “The Road Home” (a very touching and an awesome movie by the way!), JJ woke up again. As I got myself up, Soojin insisted on putting him to sleep… When I went to take a look, JJ was dangling around her hand (the ring finger) and calling out mommy. And Soojin just ate that stuff up! 🙂 And Anna soon joined in and then curled up next to her with her hands together as a pillow.

What does this all add up to? Just two very happy and joyful parents.

Anna The Slave Driver

You get to see quite lots of odd and funny moments when you raise kids.
Today was such a day.  I was playing with Anna and JJ when Anna hurt her feet on the tile.  She came to me (pseudo) crying for comfort and for me to blow her feet!

Well, I was being creative when I also shook her feet around the ankle to help her forget the pain.  However, much to my surprise, as I “flapped” her ankle and blew at the toes, she suddenly said…

“Appa, faster!  Faster!!”

I just died laughing!!  She said it in such a fashion as of befitting a slave driver!  I can only feel sympathy for her future significant other! 

Upcoming Intel CPU: Conroe, finally killing AMD!


AMD has enjoyed wonderful past few years with the enthusiast market with their Athlon64 and Opteron CPUs.  They are awesome in performance and value!  AND they destroeyd Pentium 4’s performance!

However, now that is thrown into an earthquake as Intel will be releasing a new CPU, code named Conroe.

Here’s a preview of the comparison and performance…. and all I have to say is…  WOW!

Lovers’ Cups from MIT!

Two Korean students came up with rather interesting idea!

Read the article here…  Very cute and interesting indeed… only possible from the nerdy minds of MIT!  😉

Transient Lifestyle

As my church goes through Purpose Driven Life study, one of the day’s topic touched on how the Christians should ponder on our lives as those of aliens and transient people.  Why?  Because this place called Earth is a transient place for us.

Thinking about that, I again remembered how my life has been moving from one place to another, not having lived in a place for more than 4 years (except for Houston!).  It encompasses 3 countries (S. Korea, England, and U.S.), 3 states (NJ, MA, TX) and countless cities (Chonju, Seoul, London, Harlow, Parsippany, Worcester, Austin, Houston).  Except for Houston and Chonju, I have always lived in each place for 4 years or less.  Even if I did live in Chonju and Houston more, I have always moved around.

Moving around and living in apartments have always been my life.  Transient life has been my story.  That’s why Hebrews 11:13-16 have always hit home and been my life verses.  The reason this hits home more than ever is because of all the pressures around me lately of “investing” in a home.  Though there are countless practical reasons to owning a home, I have never had huge desire.  People are always telling me how I’m throwing money away, but now I feel that if I do buy a home, I feel like I am abandoning God’s calling of this transient lifestyle.

I’ve always felt and knew that this would be the foundation of my future as a missionary, be it here or elsewhere, and I knew that God made me live such a life for a reason.  For me to leave that now is to abandon His calling for me.  Though I may have hated living such a life in the past of my youth, I thank God for such experiences and privileges… and I pray that my kids would as well.

The “Kindred Spirit” Friend

We expect and try to make good friends. In fact, we reserve the words “best friend” for very special people in our lives: the ones that click with us and our minds, commonality of some kind. It’s usually the similarities of who we are that drives us to find such ones.

The downside of finding such “best friends” can be (and is) a lifelong project. Friendships usually take time. I give it at least 3 years to really see if the person is truly a good friend. Why? Only time can cover many folds of a relationship. When one meets someone, usually, it’s just the surface we see. Only through tough trials and difficult circumstances can you tell whether that person can be your good friend, let alone a best friend.

However, there are rare times and instances that you come across person(s) who do not require such long time to be “tried” out. My wife, Soojin, uses the words “kindred spirit” taken from The Anne of Green Gables. Kindred spirit is someone who shares your vision and mindset, the essentials of who you are and who you want to be. I’ve thus far, since Christ, met 3 people. My younger brother, Paul, is not one of them since I’ve known him all my life. I’m talking about the people you meet and within a short amount of time (usually less than a year, sometimes, in a matter of a few months or weeks). Roland Allen, Dan Suh, and Paul Minifee are such friends of mine.

I’ve met Roland while I was at WPI attending St. John’s KUMC. He was an admissions office director at MIT! But as a person of who he is, he and I shared such amazing commonalities. It was only natural to find out he had so many good friends! Just ask him how many. 😉 He is significantly older by age, but I realized and learned from him that the age is not the limit in such cases.

I then moved to Austin and met Dan Suh, who is also older by 4 years. But Dan was also an amazing person who showed me the enthusiasm and passion for where he wanted to be. I had the privilege of being his roomie for about six months before he moved to California to attend seminary. But we still keep in touch and share what’s been going on.

Then there’s Paul who is same age as I am. When I met Paul, I knew in matter of few weeks that we were kindred in spirit. Personality, vision, and who we are were very similar. I have never met such encomapssingly friendly person in my life. Ever. Needless to say, I stay in touch with him though I’ve gotten married and he is about to become a professor! 😀

However, time and life is not so kind even at the best of relationships. Why? Life just goes on whether you decide to jump on it or stay behind. I think sometimes that God deliberately made it that way… so that we would see that even the best of the best friendships are nothing compared to Him. So that persons like myself would realize that depending on friendships, though definitely needed and appreciated AND encouraged by God (I always think of David and Jonathan), are still the kind that fleets away.

Only Christ is the ultimate Kindred Spirit. But I still appreciate you 3 guys who I would entrust my life with should it be required though we have drifted apart and are continuing to become different people.

The Difficulty of Parenthood

Well, my boy picked up some kind of virus that seems to have become something similar to croup.  He’s been just coughing up a storm and he hasn’t been able to fall asleep well… let alone stay asleep.  🙁 Cool moist air is what makes that inflamed throat cools down…

He’s finally asleep ’cause I got the windows to open… it will be a bit chilly tonight but we will have to live with it.