Please pray for moms’ & babies’ health!

Please pray for the two moms!

1. Hyun (and Chad) with their #4 baby!!    She is overdue now and the doctor said that they’d induce if she doesn’t deliver soon!

2. Sujin (and Keun) with their twins!  She’s not due for another month but for the babies’ sake, they are going to deliver early sometime this week or next!

Please remember to pray for everybody’s health!! 

The Perfect Food: Tofu

Yup.  Remember Bubba from “Forrest Gump” and shrimp?    That’s me baby!!  Just replace the shrimp with tofu!!

Seriously.  Tofu has to be the perfect food!!  All protein, nothing bad, just beans!! 
And I love eating it!!  You can eat it straight, steam it, fry it, eat it with kimchi, put them in stew, yumm….

Sickness & Pain this Lent Season

As we remember what Jesus has done for us this Lent season, one thing became rather clear: that many of us are suffering from some kind of sickness.

In review, Pastor Shawn and Chung have just recently been suffering from migraines again after at least two years of no migraines.  They get it to the degree where Chung tends to faint, and Pastor Shawn can’t do anything.  Ken, myself, and starting this year, Soojin have been suffering from severe allergies.  Soojin and I had it to a degree where we ended up with sinus/upper respirtory infections.  Anna and JJ had stomach virus where Anna’s was more severe and had to be taken to ER for dehydration.

What does this all mean for us, especially in this Lent season?  It’s a small (a very small one at that) reminder that Jesus had to go through even greater suffering in order to save us.  40 days of no food, bleeding and dying on the cross, and 3 days of loneliness in hell.  All so that you and I could be saved.  Our own sicknesses are a very minute reminders of how great a suffering Jesus must have gone.

As we have been praying this Lent season, may we all be able to remain thankful… that we were given opportunities to get a tiny taste of what it must’ve been like for Christ in His suffering, and that we should do our very best to endure the suffering… for He came out victor over death.

“Basic 4” and the Family

What is so special about this cereal?! I don’t find it that special… but evidently, ever since Soojin, Anna, and JJ discovered this cereal while visiting the grandparents over Christmas, this is all they eat at least once a day!! We go through at least 2 boxes of it a week!! Yikes… oh well… eat away, I say.

Now JJ is throwing up…

He will be staying home… please pray for his quick recovery…

When I got back from church, JJ wanted to lean on me on my legs and wanted me to rub his back… and then he fell asleep.  I forgot how good it feels when the kids fell asleep on me. 

Anna & ER: Viral Infection

So Anna started throwing up early around 5 am pretty much every 10 to 20 minutes or so… When it continued on for 12 hours straight, we thought it might be food poisoning or stomach virus… Since she couldn’t eat anything or hold even water down, as she showed signs of dehydration, we took her to ER.

Ok. I took her to ER. Soojin stayed home for two reasons. 1. She doesn’t do well with needles. Esp. when it goes into our kids. 2. JJ needed to stay home. So we went to Clear Lake Regional Medical Center. My 2 cents. We are never going back!

4 freakin’ hours of just waiting! And that is after she was tagged “urgent”! By then, it was 10:40 pm. Anna kept throwing up while waiting and so we just sat close to the bathroom. The poor bugger didn’t rest or sleep the whole 12 hours either…

When we finally did get in, they had to put IV in Anna’s small vein to keep her hydrated… At this point, she cried and I was just about to… you aren’t a true parent until you have to see your child being put IV in. They did some blood test and found out that her white blood cell count is too high …even for an infection. So doc was worried that for girls, it could be bladder infection. Thanks to IV though, she was hydrated enough to pee… When that returned fine, the doc still wanted to do a CAT scan to just make sure… that it wasn’t appendicitis! So she had to gulp down Barium drink … and since she hadn’t drank much, she threw up some of it. CAT scan was fine… she got to ride the elevator in the bed.

I just wanna say that Anna was a good sport. She was superb even. I thought she’d cry a whole lot more but she didn’t… she just wanted to go home… and who could blame her as we were there for NINE FREANKIN’ hours!! Our health system sucks. The whole thing should’ve just taken 3, 4 top, hours. But 9?!! Even if it’s same, we are never going back… to where? Clear Lake Regional Medical Center! There’s St. John’s Hospital near JSC… that is now our official ER place. It’s 4:10 am… I just hope Anna gets better… please pray for her.

Suffering is good for the soul

So after getting rid of the dreaded strep, due to too much fever, my mouth, lips, and tongue have developed sores all over.  In addition, my sinus has been shot to you-know-where and hurts to keep my eyes open.  To make the suffering complete, my allergies seem to have kicked in…

In all honesty, it’s a bit much for me to bare… but I’m trying… trying to remember that this is God-given opportunity to see God working, that the suffering produces ultimately, hope in Christ.  I’m trying to remain thankful in my physical suffering, remembering that there are millions of others who are in worse shoes than I am.

Still, it’s tough and I tell myself to take this fight with the suffering one day at a time…  to all who are fighting, fight the good fight.