NPR Show: Car Talk

Every Saturday morning at 9:00 am, on Houston’s Public Radio station, 88.7 FM, National Public Radio‘s THE best show comes online…

Car Talk

It’s a talk show from two brothers who consult on car troubles from the callers all over the US.  However, what’s so fun and great is their interactions… with each other and the callers!  Though they may sound old (and they are), they are so much fun to listen to!  I have never had a radio show that I wanted to tune in so badly!  They now have podcasts so I’m tempted to get them as well (check out their website)…

Not only that, they are very good at what they mainly talk about:  cars.  I pick up so many things about it that it’s just unbelievable!  Give them a try if you haven’t already…  I am a big fan now!

Birthday Prayer

Well, it’s typical… I ended up working till 6 pm. 🙁

It didn’t really feel that special… but it is my favorite kind… 3 has been my number from birth… 3/3/73 and so 3^3 = 27. And I turned 33… However, what made this memorable is that Chad and Hyun had their baby #3 on my b-day! Hee… get to share it with someone.

I just pray that I will be a bit wiser…

I just pray that I will be a bit more patient…

I just pray that I will be a bit more loving…

I just pray that I will be a bit more understanding…

Jesus lived to 33 as a human. 😉 Happy birthday Miyun!

Remembering the Cross Country Days…

  Back when I was in high school, I ran cross country.  I wasn’t very good but still managed 24 minute 3.1 mile runs.  That’s roughly an 8-minute mile.  However, I weighed only about 130 lbs back then so it was easier.  Now, I weigh swanking 170 lbs and it’s been 16 years later!  😮

  As you know, I have started working out again, and today, I got off work earlier than normal at 2:30 pm because I already fulfilled the time for the two weeks.  So I headed off and ran for 3.4 miles in 45 minutes.  Sure that’s twice slower than before, but I am running at the least.  I hope to lose about 10 to 15 pounds over the next several months this year.  Ah the youth… and hopefully by the end of the year, I can cut down my time to sub-10-minute mile speed.  I usually start at 15-minute mile pace and speed up to 10-minute mile pace.   So today’s speed was about 13.x-minute mile…  Oh well, you gotta start somewhere.  😉

Guys and Shiny Things

What is it that men like myself have with shiny things?!  Is it just me??

I love shiny watches for one… silver is preferred!  My computer case is silver (and shiny)… Hee… it’s like I become possessed or something whenever I see shiny silver surfaces!  😀  Prime example… I upgraded my external hard drive to a 300-GB version with SATA connection.  The external case is Vantec NexStar 3.  It’s a beaut.  And it’s shiny aluminum case!  And on top of all this, the HDD LED  indicator light is blue to match my case!  Whoopee! So is this just me or are you guys also a “shiny fanatics”?!  😮

The Breezey Drive Home

Well, after a brisk breezes of winter taste (30’s and 40’s), we finally caught a break and today’s weather driving home was just fantastic!  I rolled down both windows and opened the moon roof and drove my regular route home trying to enjoy the drive as much as possible.  The sensation of the wind on my hair and the noise mixed with my favorite tunes was … very relaxing in the light of the past month of busy work.  Ah… it brings back the awesome memory of driving around different parts of the country in my 20’s…  If I could only catch a break…

Still it was a very releasing experience.  😉  Hope you guys have some of those…

250 miles in 24 hours!

Wow… we didn’t really go out of town… yet, we managed to put about 250 miles on the Accord within the last 24 hour period!! 😮 Sheesh… Driving used to be such an amusement in the past. I used to drive to nowhere to just see the sights and when I went to school in Worcester, I used to drive to New England for foliage and such.

Those were the fun days… However, nowadays, it’s not so much fun anymore. Especially considering that most of the time is spent in traffic jam and always thinking of ways to get around it. You’d think that you never left New York City! 😛

It’s a mania of sorts to drive around this city of Houston. But if you do live here and have Internet access (uh… I guess most have that nowadays!), you must check out Houston Real-Time Traffic Map! It’s an essential aid in fighting against crime…uh… I mean traffic!

Don’t leave home without it! And at the gas price still being over $2/gallon, it’s quite expensive to get around this large city. But what are you going to do when everyone lives so far apart?! I got so caffeinated in the last 24 hours that I am now somewhat sick from it. It should get better though…

Have you tried driving around with two kids in the car who have to sing along to “Dora: The Explorer” soundtrack?! I must’ve heard it at least 100 times by now… Well, I gotta retain my sanity by seeing something more entertaining! 🙂