Fighting high luxury with Hyundai?!

Courtesy of Autoblog
Courtesy of Autoblog

This new auto year of ’09, Hyundai released a car into luxury segment with its Genesis.  It starts at $33k and if you opt for V8 and other amenities, you can easily go over $40k.  Now, that’s a Hyundai you probably didn’t think of ever seeing!

Well, the shock may not be over yet.  Pending on how well the Genesis goes, Hyundai may opt to add another luxury fighter: Equus.  While Genesis is geared to fight against the likes of BMW 5 series  and Benz E series along with Lexus’ ES and GS series, it is no match against the likes of any of their flagships like Lexus LS series, BMW 7 series and Benz S-class sedans.  Equus is geared to fight against the likes of those cars!  That’s a lot to live for…

Currently, Equus is only released in South Korea at “measley” price of close to $100k!  😮  Yikes.  Granted that cars cost a lot more in Korea, even at half of that, I am unsure how well it would be received.  I guess only time will tell…  It’s definitely a gutsy move though… Stay tuned.

Father to Son Bonding Time Ritual

As some of you know, my wife is a leader at Bible Study Fellowship and once a month, they have a fellowship time.  This means I have to pick up our son and spend the time with him.  Well, somehow, we have made it into a bonding ritual of sorts.

You see, he knows AND expects me to take him to THE best pho place in town (quite possibly in the US!), Pho Binh.  We drive there and I get the large pho tai with extra noodles and meat and JJ gets a large with noodles only!  Let me tell you, we both enjoy it!  Immensely!  I now realize that he really looks forward to just the two of us (yeah, go ahead and sing that song from the Austin Powers) spending the time together.  When you have more than one child, I think it becomes very important to have one-on-one time with each child.

Sure it’s become a repetitive ritual but it’s a good kind of ritual.  He knows that I will be with him and we both get to enjoy our favorite meal!  Together!  Now, that means I need to make time to go to Anna’s lunch hour at her school and spend the time with her.

Here’s to more great rituals in the family!

I’m a Believer in Neti pot

If you’ve known me for at least a few years, you know that I suffer yearly.  In a major way, I might add.  Twice a year, I am tempted to swear my head off thanks to the pollen allergies.  Each year seemed to get worse and I felt like just putting myself out of my own misery!  🙁  I first learned about the Neti pot last year.

However, I tried it too late when my sinus was already so inflamed that even Burger King wanted to make their flame-broiled burger on it!  >.<  So I let it rest but this year, I wanted to give it one more try.  You see, if you suffer from something for so long (in my case, 21 years) from something, and the pain just only gets worse, you practically will try anything!  I say ‘practically’ ’cause there’s one thing I kept refusing to:  needles.  Gives me the creeps to the nth degree!

This time, it seemed that I should try the Neti pot more than once a day.  So I started using it twice a day.  Let me tell you … that using Neti pot is like drowning yourself.  You fill your sinus cavity with salt water… it flows through one nostril though the sinus, around the eyes, and out the other nostril.  The only way to breathe while this goes on is by breathing through your mouth.  In short, it ain’t pleasant.  And if your nose is stuffed up, it is rather painful!

It was a tough week trying it out but I stuck to it this time around.  My nose and eyes were still inflamed.  However, the difference is that the sinus wasn’t.  Today, after 6 days of Neti pot, other than minor nose irritation, the day actually went fine.  I was rather busy at work even and usually, I am almost hands tied and can’t do anything work-wise.  Not today.  I was coherent and got through the day without much pain.  After 21 freakin’ years!!  Hallelujah!  😀  If the Neti pot holds up, I might even stop taking Allegra!  Let me just tell you, I am a believer.  If you have sinus pains, you need to check it out.

Time to Learn… from the Russians

Yahoo News/Reuters Article

According to this article, Russian government forbade its own people to travel if they owed more than $100,000.  That’s so smart.  How come we don’t do it?!!  Other than a student loan and home mortgages, if you owe more than $100k in other areas, you shouldn’t be allowed to travel!

Now, I’m gonna go and hide as I’m sure I’m gonna make lots of people mad!  😛

Faith, Power, & Influence: Episode 1

A friend from my college years, Kwon Cho, who went to same church at the time, now hosts and works for a very needed Korean-American Christian media company, KAC Media, and started his very first show!  😀  So here’s a shameless push for his show… it’s very good and insightful!  His first guest, is a Korean-American Internet entrepreneur who participated in “The Apprentice 6” and became a finalist!

Flight Scare with Anna

So we got on the flight to DFW (Dallas Fort Worth) and half hour into the flight, Anna comlained of sharp pain in her side.  It was bad enough that she started to cry.  Soojin got scared… her mom had appendicitis and the symptoms seemed to be similar…. pain coming and going.

When we landed, Soojin asked ME what we should do.  Let me just say, it’s freakin’ huge responsibility to be responsible for one life, let alone three!  I wasn’t sure of what to do… but with a child traveling and less than an hour to our connecting flight, I figured it’s better safe than sorry.

So I asked for the paramedics.  They came and started to look at Anna.  She was still complaining of pain.  They didn’t think it was appendicitis and when they had asked me if we wanted Anna taken to hospital, I decided that we’d try to wait it out as our flight now was gone and had to get on a different flight.

At that point, I had missed a call from Paul Minifee.  When I had called back, his father Dr. Paul Minifee, was next to him.  You see, he’s a senior doctor at Children’s Hospital in Houston!  So with such awesome knowledge available, I laid the concerns to him.  He then asked if Anna’s appetite was gone.  She said she was hungry.  He then asked if Anna could touch her toes quickly without bending her knees.  And she could.  Dr. Minifee said that if she had appendicitis, she wouldn’t have appetite nor be able to bend and touch toes w/o pain in the side.  Whew.

Got off the phone.  I held Anna and started rubbing her back… felt bit of knots on her left spine so I massaged that away.  Then everyone (except me) wanted pizza for lunch so we ate that. Anna felt better by this point and when we walked over to the other gate for our new connecting flight, I was worried that we wouldn’t get on…  but I guess the other agent had left note on our case and reason for missing the previous flight ’cause the new one called me as Mr. Jang and asked me about how Anna was doing, and that they’d get us seats soon.

Though they had charged us $60 for luggage ($15 X 4), at least their service didn’t suck.  We finally flew into La Guardia airport and we were welcomed with NYC’s finest drivers and 2 hour traffic.  But we are home.  Thank God.

Merry Christmas everyone!