Using A Hot Cup Of Coffee To Make A Paper Helicopter Hover

This is a video from ViralVideoLab of a paper helicopter using the thermal updraft from a mug of freshly brewed coffee to hover over the cup. Some more info of how difficult it was to actually achieve, which was disheartening:

The principal is the same as in real aviation: thermals. Thermals allow real sailplanes to fly for hours. As real thermals are to strong for our selfmade paper helicopter, we are using a miniature thermal that everyone has in his kitchen: a cup of hot coffee. The cup of coffee produces hot air which rises and let our helicopter fly as for a very long time. The paper helicopter must be centered over the cup when it is released. We used paper with 35 g/m² .It took me about 112 takes to produce this video. Good Luck to recreate the video.

Good Lord — 112 takes to make the video? You could have made a beer pong trick shot compilation in fewer takes. Sucks too because I really wanted to do this, but if there’s one thing I lack, it’s a small penis. If there’s two things I lack it’s a firm grasp of reality, and patience. Take the last time I went to the DMV for example. "What happened?" I’ve been driving without a license for six years. Keep going for the video, but the actual action starts at 2:16 (prior to that is folding the helicopter and brewing the coffee).

Thanks to Michael, who agrees science is everywhere.

via Geekologie – Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome

May 6, 2019 at 11:24AM

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