From News: Facing Death, Afghan Girl Runs To U.S. Military

After a teenage Afghan girl spoke to a boy by phone, she was threatened with death by her brothers, who said she dishonored her family. She fled to a U.S. military base, creating a quandary. If returned home, she faced almost certain death. If the military kept her on the base, the deeply conservative Afghan community would be outraged.


from News

From Lifehacker: Make Japanese Iced Coffee Instead of Cold-Brewing for the Best Flavor

This is already done by the Vietnamese as well… Cafe suda…

This Japanese Iced Coffee method, an alternative to cold-brewing iced coffee, promises bright and clear iced coffee with the most coffee flavor purity. Peter Giuliano of Counter Coffee Culture demonstrates how to do it and details why this is a superior method of making iced coffee. More »

from Lifehacker


From Gizmodo: Apparently, Copyright Trolls Don’t Need to Tell the Band When Suing Its Fans

This is just a sham…

Unless your band’s name ends with “etallica,” suing your fans for copyright infringement is very bad for publicity (and even if it does, that’s still a dick move Lars). So, imagine All Shall Perish’s surprise when they learned that a Panamanian copyright troll, which no one remembers hiring, recently filed suit against 80 of their fans. More »

from Gizmodo