Well, it’s the end of January… and though it’s technically winter, here in the warm state of Texas, it’s ripe season for allergies! >.< Erg… how I dread these next two months…
I have tried, Zyrtec, Claritin, Allegra, and Xyzal. None seem to work well. Right now, my eyes are irritated and inflamed. And because of that, my eyes are hot, red, and puffy. Oh the glory and joy of enduring this time of the year… I am pretty much allergic to more or less all the tree pollens out there as well as severe allergies to cats and dust. Yeah… It’s a good thing that people don’t make food out of tree pollens! LOL
I have tried Neti pot which is very temporary relief. My co-worker/mom-at-work, June keeps telling me to just get the allergy shot and be done with it. However, I have HUGE fear of needles… and this shot is the mother of them all!
What is this post about? Just my ranting and hoping for some sympathy… back to life… but if you have another medication for me to try, don’t hesitate to suggest it!
EDIT: Friend of mine, Jon Park, an optometrist suggested I give Lotemax (by Bausch & Lomb) a try to relieve my inflamed and irritated eyes. And it works!! Mixing that with Claritin and Neti pot is making this allergy season much more endurable!