Well, as some of you may know (those who were at Wednesday joint Bible study), past few weeks have been just very discouraging to say the least… way too many things, both big and small, have been happening in my life…
Biggest is my father’s tumor in his prostate… not sure still as he still hasn’t gotten around to the biopsy… and Soojin’s mom’s health deteriorating due to liver functioning worse and worse… Kids broke the mirror sliding door to the closet that cost $150 to replace… Soojin’s car needed brakes done … over $400… my car’s flooding did another $400 damage…
Tomorrow, we were going to attend a wedding of a very precious dongseng, Deborah Ahn, in Dallas… but near lunch time, I learned that Soojin sprained her ankle… if not worse. She can’t move at all… Had to get her pair of crutches but no one carries the right size!! When it rains, it pours…
I was still planning to go to the wedding with the kids maybe… but now Anna has fever. So I have to stay and help out… shucks… I guess God is trying to get my attention… I’m ready God…
My sinus pain behind my eyes are killing me… allergy season’s back. Spent way too many hours fixing my computer after my video card died on me… There are whole lot more that are too many to list and some are too personal to share… but I strive on… as we had learned in Ethiopia… of positive living… and as Christine Ha had reminded me of it again today… Life is hard… but God is stronger…
Need rest… I just hope and pray that Soojin’s ankle is not fractured.