So I didn’t know that airline ticket price wasn’t so expensive! That’s what I get for missing the first meeting… but to this day, I thought that tickets were $5k per person!! That’s what expedia and others were showing, if at all!
So at every 10 pm, when Soojin and I prayed for God to help us raise $35K somehow!! Well, I also slowly started sharing that with some co-workers… Carlton, being one of those few…
Today, for those that were there (Joanna, Christine, and PS) know that I wanted us to pray for Carlton continuously as he seemed still w/o spiritual home… After praying for him, PS and I hung out at “It’s a Grind”… and all of a sudden, I get a call from Carlton at 10 pm!! And he starts sharing how God wanted him to give some money to church or something… and as he started praying, 5000 got stuck in his head… and as he prayed, he felt led to give that money for our mission trip!!
If PS wasn’t there right next to me, I’d have thought that this was a dream!! Wow… I was just dumbfounded… God had caught me off guard… waaaay off guard!! I was very encouraged, least to say, that God had raised that amount just like that! Another proof that if He willed, it will happen in an instant!! Praise God indeed….
Wow… so I asked PS if I didn’t have to mail out support letters anymore! Of course, I would still… Just wanted to share awesome news!
peter! how are you??