Becoming a Moderator of

Well, as most of you know, I am a die hard computer geek and a fan.

So needless to say that I’ve been a long-time (over 3 years) member of an online computer-related forums site called Sharky Forums.  Most people over there will be very helpful and knowledgeable on almost all aspects of computing, from softwares to hardwares.

Well, to my sincere surprise, the head poncho over there sends me a PM asking if I wanted to be a moderator for the forums!  😮  I was very shocked and accepted!  Now, I’m not the only moderator as I will be the admin for “CPU/Processors & Overclocking” section and “Highly Technical PC Forum” section.  😀 

It also does not mean that I’m the most knowledgeable in those sections either… just that I was chosen for being most impartial and helpful.  So if you ever have any questions or seek help with your computing troubles, come on by!

Over there, I go by “proxops-pete“.  😉

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