40th Anniversary of Man Landing on the Moon

That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind

Those words still linger in the back of my head to this day… today, July 20th, 2009, marks the 40th anniversary of the man landing on the moon.  To all the space exploration haters, you need not apply.  If you can’t begin to fathom the butt loads of benefits from the research alone, you won’t ever be a believer…

And to all those lunar landing hoax pushers, again, read my previous post.  Obama seems to not want much of space exploration.  That’s a mighty shame.  But let’s not let that stop us from celebrating the 40th anniversary!  Despite all the fears most people have of it, I’d be an astronaut in a heart beat!  The space is indeed, in the cliche’ words of Star Trek, the final frontier.  😛

Myth Busters on Moon Landing: Is it a Hoax or Real?

If you are a sci-fi fan and fellow nerd, you know that we really landed on the moon. 😛 But people have been arguing that it was a conspiracy all along. Well, Myth Busters, a show on cable network somewhere (I think it’s on Discovery) proved that it’s real! Now go and weep! 😀

Gizmodo, my favorite gadget blog site, reports and shows some video clips.

  1. They proved boots can leave footprints on dust in vacuum surrounding.
  2. Momentum alone will keep the flag waving in a vacuum (no wind needed)
  3. Retroreflectors were left on the moon and they shot a laser at it to get signal back

So read and weep you conspiracy losers!! 😛 I guess those same people will move onto work on how to make Mars landings a hoax!

Changes at work: CFD Lead Engineer

So since the predecessor at work left a year ago, I have pretty much picked up the slack.

However, it was assumed that the replacement would be not too far.  Well, the primary candidate failed.  The secondary possibility wanted too much money.  So in some sense, by default, I became the lead CFD engineer.  While that may not sound like I deserve it, I have done quite a bit.

While I may not be at liberty to say, I have enabled us to be capable of running a new CFD code now at work, while maintaining two relatively new projects going.  And I will be in charge of training two new guys.  The thing is that those two are higher in terms of levels than I am.  But my manager assured me that I am the lead.  In fact, I will be traveling to Huntington Beach next week as Houston CFD Focal to represent Houston.

Wow.  If you had told me that I’d be here now few years ago, I’d have laughed at you.  Don’t jump the gun and ask for free lunches or dinners ’cause while it is a “promotion”, there’s no pay increase…  at least not yet.  That means, more work for same pay.  Oh well.

I am thankful still, even if I am at where I am by default.  I really do enjoy what I do now.  I thank God for allowing me to get where I am today.  Ironic thing is that I had been thinking about possibilities of moving… but not so sure anymore.

Anyhow, I am getting busier at work so please understand if I don’t write back sooner than I’m used.  😛

NASA’s Gen Y Perspective on NASA’s Future

Read and see the presentation that 4 young Gen Y people put together on NASA and where it needs to be from The Wired…

It’s true that most people, especially the current and younger Gen Y (born between 1977 and 2000) have no clue on space exploration or NASA, let alone be interested in pursuing a career in one.  I have always been interested in space and technology.  That is why I am in my current job as an aerospace engineer.  I am not in it for the money because I sure don’t make much money like a CPA, a lawyer, or a doctor.   I personally can’t see myself doing anything else either.  It’s as if God made me to be an engineer.  It really is a calling.

But if people don’t know of the possibilities of this calling’s existence to begin with, how is the new generation supposed to take over this vision of space exploration?!  Few days ago, I read an article by CNN|Money that stated that there will be heavy shortage of engineers in aerospace and defense industry.

Clearly, the higher powers in both the government and the corporations are doing something wrong.  It’s clear that they aren’t doing things right.  No one wants to be an engineer anymore because we clearly aren’t the most well-respected, let alone, well-paid, group of professionals.  Why become one when you can easily make more money being a lawyer, doctor, or be in financial industry?!

As these 4 young Gen Y people are showing, if the old entities like NASA and major (old school) corporations don’t adapt to the current generation and its mentality, things only look bleak from here.  I hope that the higher-powers-that-be  heed the warnings.

If you want to get the Powerpoint presentation of what these 4 young people put together, you can get it directly from here.Â