Strawberry Picking Fun

I originally hoped to take the family up to Dallas to see friends and sightsee… but with the Shuttle mission of STS-119 being delayed and launching on Sunday, that had to be canceled.. or at least postponed.  So I started looking into things you can do around Houston area.  You’d be quite surprised at how many things there are to do!  One of those is fruit picking!  It just so turns out that there are lots of farms around the greater area of Houston that let’s you PYO (Pick Your Own).  Great website to look into that is and it lists by counties and/or metropolitan areas!  For Houston area, look here.  It turned out that only one nearby farm offered PYO strawberry:  Froberg Vegetable & Fruit Farm.

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At $1.50 per pound, you can’t beat that!  So off we went.  Younhe’s kids, Pastor Shawn’s kids, and Alison’s family all went!  And here are the pictures to prove it!  Kids sure seemed to have fun.  It was great to get out.  Starting in May, blueberries go in season!  😉  ’nuff talking.  Here are the pictures.

JJ enjoying the picking…

And the group picture to finish it off…  🙂

Apple Greed: Proprietary chip in Shuffle earphones?!!


I knew that Apple (and all other companies) was greedy but… WTH?!  Apple put proprietary chip in the new Shuffle’s earphones?!!  This means that you can’t just use other earphones or headphones!!  You have to shell out extra if you want a better one ’cause other third parties will have to pay a licensing fee to Apple to build a Shuffle-compatible earphones!!  WTH?!!  Now, I really despise Apple!  😡

Oh and I am on a roll!!!  Three post in one day!!  Woohoo to me!  😛

Cold War 2: The Return of … USSR?!

Source: Gizmodo

CNN article

I wonder if Russia thinks we all need the Cold War back in order to return the world economy to normalcy.  I sure hope not, but these long range bombers that they will “place” in Cuba and Venezuela sure seem like it’s back!!  What the hell are they thinking?!

But it’s also rumored that the Russian president is doing this to see how our new president would react, as many seem to think he will be a pushover.  Hate these power struggles…  “My gun is bigger than yours” crap.   I sure hope it’s just a bluff!  >.<

AIG’s $165 million bonus: The Counterpoint

NY Times

So here the author provides a counter point.  That, despite the inexcusable bonus, we should let that pass.  Now that we have invested into 80% of the company, we don’t want to scare off the people from leaving.  Then, all that we put in as taxpayers would surely be lost.  And since these were contracts written prior to AIG’s million mile fall, contracts should be honored.

I can kind of see that.  This was why I wish we had let AIG flop instead.  Insuring what was bound to be a catastrophic failure of sub-prime mortgage, they and whoever invested in them should fail.  Yes, it would send the world economy into depression perhaps, but we are almost there already despite having invested so much in trying to prevent it.