DreamWorks released onto the open market one of the primary software tools used to create the $145 million animated film, “Rise of the Guardians.”
For everything from family to computers…
DreamWorks released onto the open market one of the primary software tools used to create the $145 million animated film, “Rise of the Guardians.”
Set in the year 2071, where technology has brought mankind to the brink of colonization on a planet named Gaia, one astronaut takes on an isolated mission and discovers unearthly horrors that could bring an end to human life on this planet.
Transforming transfixing genre fiction into memorable cinema is no simple task. These are some of the most successful literary-cinematic crossovers of all time.
from Wired Top Stories
YouTube is sure filled with a lot of crap these days, so it’s pretty awesome to see a great series here and there.
Fistful of Rupees is a really inventive mash up of The Legend of Zelda in Western style. The three part series was created by The Game Station and I must express my thanks for quite an entertaining half hour of my life.
Part 1 “The Wisdomâ€:
Part 2 “The Powerâ€:
Part 3 “The Courageâ€:
[Via Geek.com]
I’m not sure where the people who made this took their numbers, but some of the costs associated with Batman’s gear seem, in some cases, a little over the top. Check it out:
[Via Buzzfeed]