So for work reasons, I had to fly out here to Huntington Beach area.
My layover was in Las Vegas, and though I only had 10 minutes inbetween connection flights, I had time to take pictures…

Due to constricted schedule, I couldn’t go to the beach… so on Tuesday night when I flew in, I barely had time to eat dinner with a long-time friend of mine, Roland. He is now in southern Cali doing what he wants to do: counseling.

Then after horrendously long 8-hour presentations, I headed up to K-Town area to meet up another long-time friend of mine: Dan Suh. He was my roommate back in ’95 when Won Lee was our 3rd roomie.

And guess what?!! Won Lee calls me (that’s who Dan is talking to!) and he’s freakin’ getting married in Anaheim in August 16th!! Won Lee is a character… but Dan is now a college pastor at Onnuri in LA area. If you are looking for good down-to-earth pastor, check his church out.

Danny Rhee! Oh he was my favorite to hang out with when I was in Austin! Why? ‘Cause he was the only one that would laugh at my ssul-lung (off-the-wall, random) jokes!! 😛 Good kid, but I learned that he had a tough life. To talk more, we went to hang out at the infamous… Pinkberry!

We talked for about 3 hours there… God did some amazingly cool (and funny) stuff with (and in) Danny’s life!!

While it was great to see them, I still am bummed that I didn’t get to see KJ Ahn (now an associate EM pastor at Young Nak, I believe). Maybe next time… nonetheless, it was great to see them all…