Adam Savage Puts Boston Dynamics Spot Quadruped Robot Through Outdoor Agility Course

This is a video of Adam Savage putting one of Boston Dynamics Spot quadruped robots through its paces in an outdoor agility course as an introductory video for a full year of TESTED conducting builds and projects with the robot (you can subscribe to those HERE). So that’s something to look forward to. I mean maybe not as forward to as your birthday or mom getting out of jail, but it’s something. So, uh, are we allowed to make suggestions? "Knock it on its back like a turtle!" "See if it can swim!" "The lava test!" Oh you *wiping tears from eyes* you really are my everything.
Keep going for the video while I speculate why Adam won’t put the Nintendo Switch down.

Thanks to Jeffrey S and hairless, who agree call us when they’re big enough to ride like He-Man’s Battle Cat so we officially know it’s time to enter the bunker and seal the door.

via Geekologie – Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome

January 24, 2020 at 07:11AM

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