We Regret to Inform You the UK’s Ad Regulator Has Deemed Anyone With 30,000 Followers a Celebrity


Photo: Karly Domb Sadof (AP)

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), the UK’s independent industry self-regulation group, has officially determined the lower boundary for who counts as an internet “celebrity”: It’s anyone with over 30,000 followers on social media.

Per the Telegraph, the decision comes by way of a case involving pharmaceutical company Sanofi, which paid mommy blogger Sarah Willox Knott (@ThisMamaLife) to endorse a sleeping sedative on Instagram. In the post, Knox wrote that she was a “night owl” who found that the drug was a great “pharmacy only, short term solution to insomnia.”

The post was marked as an ad in compliance with the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) code and pre-approved by the Proprietary Association of Great Britain trade group, the Telegraph reported. But the ASA determined that Knox’s 32,000 followers technically qualified her as a celebrity—and thus the posting violated rules that prohibit “celebrities or health professionals from endorsing medical products.”

Sanofi argued that Knox had a considerably smaller following than “recognised celebrities” on Instagram, specifically citing soccer star David Beckham’s 55 million followers and comedian Stephen Fry’s 359,000, according to Ars Technica. This did not work.

“We considered over 30,000 followers indicated that she had the attention of a significant number of people,” the ASA concluded. “Given that she was popular with, and had the attention of a large audience, we considered that ThisMamaLife was a celebrity for the purposes of the CAP Code.”

However, the Telegraph reported that though this is a “new precedent, the watchdog will still judge whether posts from smaller social media accounts breech its endorsement rules on a case-by-case basis.”

So there you have it. Pass that sweet, sweet 30k and you have all the IRL bragging rights in the world that you are technically a celebrity, or something, as determined by a UK-based advertising agency self-regulatory organization on a case-by-case basis. Spread the news! Everyone in the room will pause what they’re doing, stare at you, then start a slow clap and begin cheering “Influencer! Influencer! Influencer!” Dollar bills will somehow rain from the ceiling, and one of the Kardashians will be there, crying a single tear of joy. Also, Jordan Peterson will be there for some reason, staring at you morosely.

People will definitely not just look at you funny and hope you switch to a different subject.

In the U.S., standards on social media advertising are more than a bit looser. After years of pretty much everyone looking the other way on shady influencer tactics like endorsing products without disclosing it’s a paid advertisement as legally required, the Federal Trade Commission issued a number of warnings in 2017—though Morning Consult reported in October 2018 that the FTC said “it has not taken any public actions against noncompliant influencers since last year” and violations remain rampant.

[The Telegraph]

via Gizmodo https://gizmodo.com

July 3, 2019 at 07:36PM

This Hurricane Proof House Made From 612,000 Recycled Plastic Bottles Can Withstand 326 MPH Winds


If you’re looking to build a new home on coastal waters where hurricanes are known to roam, you might want to skip the two-by-fours and cement and instead start drinking bottled soda. A Canadian company has recently completed construction of a home with exterior walls made from recycled plastic, and it’s claimed to be able to withstand winds gusting at over 300 miles per hour.

Built by JD Composites, the three bedroom home is situated near the Meteghan River in Nova Scotia. Aside from a distinct lack of trees, gardens, and neighbors, the house looks like any other dwelling with a clean modern design and a minimalist facade. Inside it’s fully furnished and finished with drywall covered lumber walls, but the exterior is what makes the house appealing as a new, and seemingly much improved, approach to construction.

Wrapping the house, and providing its reinforced structure and extreme durability, are 5.9-inch thick panels made from somewhere around 612,000 plastic soda bottles that were shredded, melted, and then in injected with gas to create a sort of plastic based foam that has several key advantages over more traditional construction materials. They provide better insulation in both the winter and summer months, they’re moisture and mildew resistant, they help keep plastics out of waste facilities, and they allow a house to be assembled in a matter of days, not months, because the panels are first created offsite and assemble like a giant puzzle.

But it’s the extreme durability that many home builders, particularly those who work along the eastern coast of Canada and the United States where hurricanes pose a major threat every year. Samples of the plastic panels were sent to a certification facility who subjected them to conditions similar to what would be experienced in a category 5 hurricane. For comparison, in 2015, hurricane Patricia pummelled Guatemala with winds measured as fast as 215 miles per hour. It was considered to be one of the most powerful hurricanes ever recorded, but JD Composites’ panels were able to survive wind speeds up to 326 miles per hour in testing, and possibly even stronger, as the testing facility actually maxed out its wind tunnel’s capabilities.

It’s estimated that the house cost somewhere around $400,000 to build, which is on par with traditional material and labor costs. But the durability of the plastic means there’s less repairs down the line, and the potential for avoiding a complete rebuild should a hurricane strike. It’s actually up for sale now if you’ve got plans to move out east, but if the builders can’t find a buyer they plan to list the property on Airbnb which should help spread the word about their accomplishment.

via Gizmodo https://gizmodo.com

July 4, 2019 at 03:06PM

Your Phone Notification Mirroring Arrives for Windows and Android


Your Phone Android Notifications

The Your Phone app from Microsoft now does full Android phone notification mirroring, the company announced yesterday. With a Windows machine and the app installed on it and your phone, your worlds have never been more connected. Well, unless you used one of the number of already-available apps that have done this for years, but hey, let’s not take away from today’s news.

The Your Phone app allows for photos, texts, and (now) notifications to be available on your computer. It’s been around for a while doing the photos and texting part, but this notification stuff takes it to a new level of fun.

To get started, you’ll need to install Your Phone everywhere and we have links below to help you do that. Once done, you will login with your matching Windows credentials within the Your Phone app on your Android phone. After completing that task and then opening Your Phone on your Windows computer to make sure syncing is happening, you should be good.

I’ve been trying to get it to work for two days now, just so you are aware, and had no luck. I still have no notification mirroring, but it’s supposedly rolling out to everyone over the next few days. Try to be more patient than I am.

Google Play Link | Microsoft Store Link

via Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog https://ift.tt/2dLq79c

July 3, 2019 at 10:44AM

If You Solve This Math Problem, You Could Steal All the Bitcoin in the World


A diagram showing the relevant complexity classes in the P vs NP problem. “P” problems are solvable in polynomial time; “NP” problems might be solvable in polynomial time, and are checkable in polynomial time. “NP-complete” problems are NP problems such that finding a solution to them would let you solve every NP problem. “NP hard” problems are problems at least as complex as the NP-complete problems. Phew.
Graphic: Behnam Esfahbod (Wikimedia Commons)

You may have heard of the famous P versus NP problem. If you can prove or disprove its cryptically short equation, you’d be a million dollars richer—and maybe even billions of dollars richer, depending on your scruples.

The importance of P versus NP is mainly in its consequences for computing. It happens to be one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems, meaning The Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts will award $1 million to whomever manages to prove or disprove the statement. But should you prove that P in fact does equal NP, you wouldn’t even need the $1 million prize. As theoretical computer scientist Scott Aaronson explained last week at a lecture in a stuffy auditorium at Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico, proving that P=NP would open up some intriguing possibilities.

“If someone proves P=NP, the first thing they should do is steal $200 billion in bitcoin. The second thing they should do is solve all of the other Millennium Prize Problems,” Aaronson said.

To understand this, you need to know that computers are devices that solve problems, abstracted into code readable by the physical computing device, based on the principles put forth by Alan Turing. Solving problems takes a number of steps and a certain amount of time, with the amount of time required increasing as the problem grows larger.

“P” refers to the problems that computers solve all the time, from something as simple as multiplying two numbers to more complex tasks like browsing the internet. As a problem grows in complexity, the amount of time it takes to solve it grows in “polynomial time,” where a polynomial is a number with a power and a coefficient (like n2). If a problem is solvable in n2 time and you double the size of the input, then the amount of time it would take to solve would go up by four.

Yet there are plenty of problems where one can determine that a given answer is correct in polynomial time, but actually getting to that answer may or may not be possible in polynomial time. These are called “Nondeterministic Polynomial time” or NP problems. Sudoku is an NP problem—hard to solve, easy to check. Another important example today is factoring large numbers into prime numbers. For now at least, it takes a very long time—slower than polynomial time—to factor very large numbers into primes, but checking that an answer is correct is as simple as multiplying the resulting numbers together. Indeed, this exact idea is the basis of modern encryption, which relies on generating security keys that are easy to verify but hard to crack.

Newer mathematical proofs have found, and might continue to find, P solutions to some of these NP problems. The P versus NP problem asks whether every NP problem has a P solution, or if there exists some NP problem that can absolutely not be solved in P. It seems like it should be obvious that P does not equal NP, but it is not rigorously mathematically proven. And if you happen to prove that P does equal NP, you will have also demonstrated that there are polynomial-time algorithms for a whole lot of very important computer problems. You could make yourself very rich—bitcoin mining and security keys rely on hard-to-solve, easy-to-check NP problems.

Quantum computers, which are based on different mathematics than classical computers, do not promise P solutions to every NP problem. It was once thought that they might be able to solve the hardest class of NP problems, called NP-complete problems. If you could find an efficient solution to those, you’d be able to find efficient solutions to all NP problems. This includes the traveling salesman problem and a host of other similar optimization problems. But quantum computers haven’t lived up to this hype. Instead, quantum computers might solve some P problems in a shorter time (as in, with a lower polynomial) or move some NP problems into the quantum generalization of P, called BQP or “Bounded-Error Quantum Polynomial Time.”

So go out there and try and prove that P does, or does not, equal NP. If you’re successful, you’ll make at least a million dollars, and perhaps much, much more. If you’re unsuccessful, well, hopefully you will have led a meaningful life researching computational theory.

via Gizmodo https://gizmodo.com

July 2, 2019 at 05:00PM

Researchers Use CRISPR to Remove HIV From Mice


An electron micrograph of HIV particles infecting a human T cell.
Image: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

An interdisciplinary team of scientists is claiming to have eliminated the HIV virus from the genomes of mice by combining the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool with an experimental new drug. It’s a promising development in the battle against HIV and AIDS, but more work is required before clinical trials can begin.

Using a gene-editing tool like CRISPR to clear out an infectious disease may seem strange, but HIV is a retrovirus that embeds itself within DNA as a means to replicate. Antiretroviral therapy, or simply ART, can suppress HIV replication, but it can’t eliminate every trace of the disease, as it’s not capable of purging cells in which the virus has gone dormant.

As new research published in Nature Communications shows, CRISPR-Cas9, when used in conjunction with an exciting new form of ART, provided a one-two punch that flushed out the virus from the genomes of a living animal. That’s never been done before.

In experiments on mice that were genetically modified to have certain similarities with humans, a research team led by Kamel Khalili from the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University eliminated all traces of the HIV virus in slightly more than 30 percent of infected mice. It’s not a perfect result, but it provides reason to be optimistic.

“We now have a clear path to move ahead to trials in non-human primates and possibly clinical trials in human patients within the year,” said Khalili in a press release.

Khalili, it’s worth pointing out, is the founder and principal scientific advisor of Excision BioTherapeutics, a Philadelphia-based company that uses CRISPR to treat viral diseases. Excision BioTherapeutics holds the exclusive license for the commercial application of this new therapy. Nearly 37 million people worldwide are infected with HIV-1, and more than 5,000 people are infected each day, according to UNAIDS.

So it makes sense that this team is eager to begin clinical trials, but the new research needs to be met with a hefty dose of caution. In addition to explaining the low success rate, the researchers will need to show that the CRISPR edits aren’t resulting in long-term side effects, such as cancer.

Antiretroviral therapy for AIDS changed the lives of millions, but it’s not a cure in the technical sense. Patients have to take medicines on a regular basis to keep the HIV virus in check, lest it re-emerge in the body and proliferate to dangerous levels. What we really need is a therapy that completely eliminates HIV from the body—which is precisely what Khalili and his colleagues have been working on for the past several years.

Previously, Khalili’s team showed that CRISPR could be used to excise HIV DNA from infected genomes. But this approach, like ART, wasn’t able to completely eliminate the virus on its own. For the new study, Khalili recruited the help of Howard Gendelman, a professor of infectious diseases and internal medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Gendelman has been working on a new approach to ART called LASER, or long-acting slow-effective release. This system targets cellular reservoirs where the HIV virus hides and is capable of suppressing the replication of the virus for extended periods. To do this, the drug is wrapped in nanocrystals, which help it spread to tissues where HIV is most likely to be dormant. Once at the desired location, the nanocrystals can stay inside the cells for weeks, slowly releasing the drug.

This approach to ART caught the attention of Khalili, who “wanted to see whether LASER ART could suppress HIV replication long enough for CRISPR-Cas9 to completely rid cells of viral DNA,” he said in a release.

In experiments, the researchers used bioengineered mice with human T cells capable of contracting an HIV infection. Using both LASER ART and CRISPR-Cas9, the researchers completely eliminated HIV DNA in about one-third of the infected mice. Tests of blood, bone marrow, and lymphoid tissue—places where HIV likes to hide and go dormant—revealed no traces of the virus. The researchers also didn’t observe any long-term damage to the mice’s cells.

Kevin Morris, a professor at the Centre for Gene Therapy at City of Hope, told Gizmodo that “this is a very exciting paper” and the researchers showed “HIV can be removed from HIV-infected mice.” That said, Morris, who wasn’t affiliated with the new study, was “very, very concerned” about the potential for this CRISPR-based therapy to go off the rails.

“[I]t has the risk of causing cancer,” Morris said. “This is because the approach depends on using a gene therapy that is known to persist a long time in the body. The long-term persistence could lead to CRISPR—which cuts HIV out of the cell—cutting other sites in an uncontrolled manner. The cutting of other sites in the human cell could lead that cell to become cancerous.”

Despite this, Morris said it’s nice to see, at least at the conceptual level, that it’s possible to eliminate the virus from infected mice.

As a final note, the new study involved a multidisciplinary team consisting of virologists, immunologists, molecular biologists, pharmacologists, and pharmaceutical experts. No one said it was going to be easy to find a cure for HIV—but this multifaceted approach offers a glimpse into how it might actually be done.

via Gizmodo https://gizmodo.com

July 2, 2019 at 05:36PM

Canon Stuck a Smartphone Lens Into a Flash Drive For This Tiny Clip-on Camera


Now that the optics and sensors in smartphones produce images on par with what you’d get from an affordable point and shoot camera, Canon has decided to just go with the flow and build a tiny barebones shooter that looks about as small as a USB flash drive that it’s decided to bring to life via crowdfunding.

Now that smartphone’s cost well north of $1,000, there’s a good reason to be more protective of our mobile devices. Think of how often you hesitate before handing your phone to a friend to snap a photo. They say the best camera is the one you actually have with you, but what good is it if you miss a photo because you’re worried about your expensive device getting wet, or dropped, or even scratched. That’s where Canon’s IVY REC could be a fantastic alternative.

When a flash drive and a carabiner love each other very much, their offspring would probably be a dead ringer for the IVY REC, which features a plastic housing, neon colors, and a small bump on the frame which serves as the shutter button. Canon promises it’s shockproof and waterproof (to a depth of just a couple feet, however, it’s not for divers) and its 13 megapixel 1/3-inch CMOS sensor can also record hi-def video at 60 frames per second.

There’s even a standard-sized tripod mount on the underside, and a dial on the back for switching between the IVY REC’s limited modes, but what you won’t find is an LCD display anywhere on it. When framing shots users can either use the square hole on the clip end of the camera as a crude viewfinder, or they can reach for their smartphone as wireless connectivity is included and it allows a free accompanying Canon app to provide a live view from the camera’s sensor. There’s no mention if a USB port will be included for downloading shots from the IVY REC, but photos can be wirelessly offloaded to a smartphone for easy sharing.

Full details are unfortunately very light at this point, including what the IVY REC will cost, how long its battery will last, or if it will use microSD cards instead of built-in storage. In a time when consumers aren’t as interested in spending hundreds of dollars on a capable but bulky DSLR because their smartphones snap photos that are good enough, Canon is still apparently hesitant about fully embracing the casual photography market. For the IVY REC, the company is going to test the waters using an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign which it’s still just teasing at this point; it hasn’t actually launched yet.

But if you like the idea of keeping a cheap tiny camera clipped to your belt, always at the ready, while your smartphone stays safely tucked away in your pocket, Canon promises that early supporters can snag one for up to 30 percent off whatever the retail price ends up being—assuming enough people get on board to make the campaign a success.

via Gizmodo https://gizmodo.com

July 3, 2019 at 08:30AM

Researchers create eye-tracking glasses that auto-focus where you look


Researchers at Stanford University have created glasses that track your eyes and automatically focus on whatever you’re looking at. The so-called autofocals, detailed in a paper published in the journal Science Advances, could prove a better solution than transition lenses or progressive lenses.

The authors note that, over time, our ability to refocus at near distances worsens as the lenses in our eyes stiffen. The condition, called presbyopia, typically kicks in at around age 45 and it affects more than a billion people. It’s a key factor as to why many of us need to start wearing reading glasses, progressive lenses or monovision glasses in middle age.

But those types of lenses aren’t ideal. For one thing, they might require you to carry out unnatural head movements, such as to crane your neck to look at side mirrors while driving, because progressive lenses might not offer effective enough peripheral focus. The researchers, who said that people who wear those lenses are also at higher risk of injury from falls, suggest their autofocals might prove a better answer.

Stanford University autofocal glasses

Their glasses take a cue from how eye lenses work; the autofocal lenses are filled with fluid that expand and contract as your field of vision shifts. As you’d expect, there are eye-tracking sensors to figure out what you’re looking at. The lenses and trackers already existed, and the researchers created software that pulls in eye-tracking data to make sure the lenses properly focus on the right thing.

A group of 56 people with presbyopia tried out the autofocals and found them to be more effective than progressive lenses for reading. They generally preferred them to progressive lenses.

That sounds great, but it’s probably going to be quite some time before you can pick up a pair from your optometrist. The study participants weren’t fans of the size and weight of the autofocal system, which looks more like a virtual reality headset than a pair of designer frames.

The researchers hope to make the technology small enough that autofocals will be comfortable to wear all day. Stanford electrical engineer Gordon Wetzstein reckons it’ll take a few years before we see autofocal glasses that are energy efficient, lightweight and, perhaps most importantly for something we have on our faces all the time, stylish. If companies can pack smart glasses tech into normal-looking frames, it certainly seems likely autofocals will be a snazzy enough option down the line.

A single pair of autofocals might also be enough to last for decades even as your prescription changes. "This technology could affect billions of people’s lives in a meaningful way that most techno-gadgets never will," Wetzstein said.

GIF: Robert Konrad

Via: Gizmodo

Source: Stanford

via Engadget http://www.engadget.com

July 2, 2019 at 12:51PM