From The UberReview: Robots Now Faster Than Humans, Be Very Afraid

Usain Bolt is the fastest human on the planet, 27.78 mph… that might be slow in a car but it is extremely quick for a human. Unfortunately for Mr Bolt, the folks at Boston Dynamics have been work on a robot that can go a little faster. The Cheetah Robot has set a new robot land speed record with an impressive 28.3 mph – in a robot apocalypse they could outdo the best we’ve got, and they plan to make it go 50.

Now, having robots that can run down Usain might seem like bad news for him, but if push comes to shove, but if the rules for bears apply to robots then all he really has to be able to do is run faster than the slowest guy in his group. Given that every human on Earth is slower than Usain Bolt, he should be able to do that for a very long time.


from The UberReview

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