From Popular Science – New Technology, Science News, The Future Now: The World’s First LED Lightbulb You Can Control With a Smartphone

Insteon Bulb Insteon

There will come a time when our homes are completely automated, just like in several horror movies in which a house slowly murders its unsuspecting occupant. The Insteon is a pretty good step towards that inevitable murder–it’s the first LED lightbulb that you can control with a smartphone app.

Lots of LED bulbs have some kind of remote triggering–I’ve been using the GiiNii speaker-in-a-bulb lately, which can be controlled with a little remote–but this is the first we’ve seen to have a smartphone app. It assigns each bulb in your house a unique IP address, so you can trigger each one independently with an app (compatible with iOS and Android). And for the system to really be worth the cost, you’ll want to outfit your whole house in these things. The bulbs cost $30 each (which is not too bad; LED bulbs last for decades and even the current best LED bulb on the market runs $25), but the real cost is the $100 Insteon SmartLinc Controller you’ll need to buy if you want to hook up devices like smartphones.

[Insteon via SmartPlanet]


from Popular Science – New Technology, Science News, The Future Now

From MAKE: Using the MakerShield – LCD Display

An LCD screen can bring a whole new level of interactivity to your Arduino projects. They can provide instant data without using your computer and give visual feedback about your project. Normally, you would use a separate breadboard to hook up an LCD but using a MakerShield and this tutorial from Make: Projects, you can make your own LCD shield!

LCD screens look complicated but using an Arduino it’s not too bad at all. This tutorial will teach you how to hook up an LCD display to an Arduino using a MakerShield. All the components you need for this build are included in the Ultimate Microcontroller Pack.

You can pick up an Ultimate Microcontoller Pack from the Maker Shed, Micro Center, and select RadioShack locations. Call me crazy but I love the look of all those jumper wires!

Using the MakerShield – Button
Using the MakerShield – Servo Control

from MAKE

From Popular Science – New Technology, Science News, The Future Now: A Heatsink That Could Be 30 Times More Efficient Than Today’s Setups

Sandia Cooler Sandia

Computers get hot. Heat is bad for computers. To whisk it away, we use a combination of heatsinks and fans to snatch heat away from the internals and blast it out of the computer’s case. But Sandia has a concept that combines the two in a way that, they claim, increases heat-removing efficiency by up to 30 times.

Essentially the Sandia Cooler is just a combination heatsink/fan, which, now that we think about it, is kind of obvious. It’s a heatsink that spins at 2,000 rpm–slow for a fan–but is more efficient because it actually lifts off the chip, floating in midair by about a thousandth of an inch, removing thermal resistance. The air is drawn up through the center of the spinner and flung out through the grooves, which look mostly like a curved heatsink. Because the entire thing moves, it also cuts down on dust buildup, which has a serious effect on a cooling system’s efficiency. Oh, and due to its speed and the way it floats (sort of like hydroplaning), the system is much quieter than typical fans.

The creation has already been optioned by a computer company, so we should actually see it in machines relatively soon.

[via Geek]


from Popular Science – New Technology, Science News, The Future Now

From Popular Science – New Technology, Science News, The Future Now: Video: Adam Savage Show Off His “Rocketeer”-Inspired Rocket Engines

Adam Savage’s Rocketeer Pack

Today’s the 21st anniversary of The Rocketeer, and Tested has a treat for fans of the Disney flick (or fans of Mythbusters): Adam Savage displaying the engines of his in-progress Rocketeer jet pack.

The whole pack isn’t up and running, he says in the video, because apparently there’s one guy out there who specializes in crafting parts of Rocketeer jetpacks (recession-proof). But after that: jetpack.


Here’s Adam Savage talking about it. The original trailer’s below if you aren’t familiar or need a refresher.


from Popular Science – New Technology, Science News, The Future Now