Enjoying the little things in life

Reflecting on how JJ and Anna play and what makes them happy reminds me of this topic.  Those two are so full of life that it’s a joy (and painful due to loud noises they produce! ) to see them happy and play.  Yet, it’s the simple things that make them happy.  Eating anything from cereal to p&b sandwiches for breakfast to “jjoo-jjoo-bah” and juice.  Sleeping and playing in guitar case, to making a bed out of sofa cushions.  Their take on life is just so refreshing.  And remembering how expressive and animated JJ is confirms again and again that I need to enjoy the simpler (and smaller) things of life.  Life stops for no one.  So I’m gonna just enjoy the life that God has blessed me with and not worry (at least try hard!) about finances or jobs or whatever tries to get stuck in my head.  Why?  ‘Cause I won’t have today to enjoy tomorrow.  Don’t live to regret things.

Carpe diem!

The Animated JJ

One of the things I prayed/hoped for in my kids as they grew up was that they’d be able to become the types of people that could enjoy the life carpe diem style.    Well, you know what they say… be careful what you wish for, ’cause you just might get it!! 

JJ is such case.  He is soooo animated!  He is full of expressions and isn’t afraid to show them!  Case in point, the train ride.  Pictures do speak a thousand words!

Just watching him and his expressions gives me joy and life! 

This one above is by far my favorite!  I was told that I looked like a cartoon… to me, it shows a window to enjoying the life God gave us.  I am soooo thankful and glad that JJ isn’t afraid to be himself and enjoy it! 

And to end with this picture shows just how uniquely he and his sister play … such creativity just brings me smiles. 

Texas State Railroad Park

So over the weekend, we took a trip to Palestine… that’s Palestine, Texas!!   It’s about 3.5 hour drive from here, closer to Tyler area.  There is a state park which has the ol’ fashioned steam train rides.  So we drove up on Friday night and rode the train rides at Texas State Railroad Park.  We took the departure from Rusk because that one was steam train while the one that left from Palestine was a diesel.

Here’s one with mom and daughter…

Now a family shot. 

Anna & JJ on the railroad tracks…

Again, mommy & daughter…

I just love JJ’s motion and expression!! 

One more family pic inside as it left!  It’s 1.5 hour ride each way and 1.5 hours for lunch so total of 4.5 hours! 

Anna’s Pre-K Graduation

So our precious Anna finally graduated Pre-K school!

We thank God for such a precious child for us to care for and love!

…except that she hated the hat!

And these are Anna’s teachers! Congrats sweetie! Now, onto Kindergarten!

Be good to your pastors

What do you think is the most stressful job? I’m sure being a parent is quite stressful, along with being a teacher! But just as stressful is a pastor!

Both my father and my only brother are full-time pastors. They don’t get paid well. I grew up being a PK so I know first-hand how much stuff one has to do as a pastor. Well, my dad has been a long-time gungho pastor that proves that you don’t become one without 1) being called to be a pastor and 2) if you want to make lots of money! O_o

On top of all that, pastors these days must be well versed in computers, good in public speaking, be sociable and peacemakers. Even if everyone was helpful, the job is very stressful. My father, bless his heart, has become bold, has weak heart, and high blood pressure. And I attribute most of that due to stress. And where does stress for pastors come from mostly? People. The sheep. Members.

So treat your pastor out to lunch or dinner more often. Take better care of their family. Be more attentive to their needs. Give more of yourself to the church. I know Pastor Shawn will want me to delete the following stuff once he finds out, but there’s a LOT on his heart. And we as his sheep should help him in all that we can. Put more of your time into serving others. Take off from his plate. In the end, taking care of our pastor and his family is taking care of our own church. God bless. If he gets worn out, so will the church. Especially pray for his migraine headaches. Let Satan have nothing on him.

To me, pastors are my heroes.