Google’s AI can translate language pairs it has never seen

Google’s AI is not just better at grasping languages like Mandarin, but can now translate between two languages it hasn’t even trained on. In a research paper, Google reveals how it uses its own "interlingua" to internally represent phrases, regardless of the language. The resulting "zero-shot" deep learning lets it translate a language pair with "reasonable" accuracy, as long as it has translated them both into another common language.

The company recently switched its Translate feature to the deep-learning Google Neural Machine Translation (GNMT) system. That’s an "end-to-end learning framework that learns from millions of examples," the company says, and has drastically improved translation quality. The problem is, Google Translate works with 103 languages, meaning there are 5,253 language "pairs" to be translated. If you multiply that by the millions of examples needed for training, it’s insanely CPU intensive.

After training the system with several language pairs like English-to-Japanese and English-to-Korean, researchers wondered if they could translate a pair that the system hadn’t learned yet. In other words, can the system do a "zero-shot" translation between Japanese and Korean? "Impressively, the answer is yes — it can generate reasonable Korean to Japanese translations, even though it has never been taught to do so," Google says.

Even the researchers aren’t 100 percent sure of how it works, because deep learning networks are notoriously difficult to understand. However, they were able to peek into a three-language model using a 3D representation of the internal data (above). When zooming in, the researchers noticed that the system automatically groups sentences with the same meanings from three different languages.

In essence, it developed its own "interlingua" internal representation for similar phrases or sentences. "This means the network must be encoding something about the semantics of the sentence rather than simply memorizing phrase-to-phrase translations," the researchers write. "We interpret this as a sign of existence of an interlingua in the network."

In one experiment, for instance, the team merged 12 language pairs into a model the same size as for a single pair. Despite the drastically reduced code base, they achieved "only slightly lower translation quality" than with a dedicated two-language model. "Our approach has been shown to work reliably in a Google-scale production setting and enables us to scale to a large number of languages quickly," the team says. Bear in mind that it only started seriously working on AI for languages a short time ago, so its rapid progress is pretty scary — especially if you’re a professional translator.

from Engadget

The Navy’s $4 billion stealth destroyer has malfunctioned again

The US Navy hasn’t exactly been having the best of luck with its pricey new ship. Only weeks after it was officially commissioned the USS Zumwalt, the Navy’s new $4.4 billion destroyer has already been put out of action.

Touted as the Navy’s most technologically advanced destroyer, the Zumwalt’s cleverly concealed weapons and sharp angles make it incredibly difficult to spot on radar. Yet before it could put those traits to good use, it was struck by engineering problems. Attempting to join up with the US Third Fleet in San Diego, The Zumwalt only made it as far as Panama Canal. The timeline for repairs is still being determined.

This isn’t the first headache the US Navy’s had with their prized new vessel. When it first left the shipbuilders on a trial run in September, a water leak in the engines prevented the Zumwalt from reaching its destination. Shortly after it was commissioned a month later, its voyage was delayed once again thanks to issues with its propulsion equipment.

With Zumwalts created in far fewer numbers than expected, the lack of demand for ammo has caused prices to sky rocket to $800,000 a round, making the whole experiment even more of a disaster. Originally, more than 30 Zumwalts were in development, but after lengthy delays and soaring costs, only three of the destroyers were ever actually built. The total cost for developing the three ships is now in excess of $22 billion.

Whoever said you can’t put a price on security clearly hadn’t heard of the USS Zumwalt.

Source: CNN

from Engadget

Eight Smart Mattress launched to provide a better night’s sleep

Eight Smart Mattress launched to provide a better night’s sleep


– on November 25th, 2016

There is nothing quite like getting a good night’s rest, especially after you had gone through a gruelling day at work or at home, or both. In fact, it has been said that you might have purchased the most expensive mattress in the world, but that might not be able to provide you with a single bit of shuteye. If you have more or less tried just about every remedy possible in order to obtain a good night’s sleep without wanting to resort to pharmaceutical assistance, Eight might just have the solution for you. Eight has just announced the availability of its Smart Mattress that claims to be able to provide its occupants with a better night’s sleep.

This Smart Mattress is meant to replace traditional mattresses with an alternative which assists customers obtain a better sleep experience via higher comfort and technology. The Eight Smart Mattress has been specially designed with a quartet of layers of responsive and high density foam, in addition to a technology layer which can keep track of sleep, warm each side of the bed individually, as well as hook up to other smart home devices. The asking price for an Eight Smart Mattress starts at $950 a pop — not the cheapest mattress in the world, but it is still certainly better than nothing.

The Eight Smart Mattress will boast of features that are able to improve the sleep experience, such as automatic temperature control for each side of the bed, in addition to connectivity with other smart home devices such as thermostats, lights and coffee machines. The mattress’ many sensors will be able to track sleep times, deep and light sleep, breathing rate, and measure toss and turns, bed temperature, and room temperature. Given enough time, the Eight Smart Mattress will rely on machine learning in order to build patterns on sleep behaviors, while informing you with suggestions for sleep improvement via its mobile app. All of this data can also be shared with other health tracking apps like Apple’s Health and Google’s Fit.

Expect the Eight Smart Mattress to arrive in Full, Queen, King and California King sizes, and it will come with a 100-night trial and free returns.

Press Release

from Coolest Gadgets

Give Thanks For Siblings: They Can Make Us Healthier And Happier

Katherine Streeter for NPR

Katherine Streeter for NPR

Somehow we’re squeezing 18 people into our apartment for Thanksgiving this year, a year when too many people are worrying about fraught post-election conversations. My relatives, who luckily are all cut from the same political cloth, range in age from my mother, aged 92, to my 32-year-old nephew (my 17-month-old granddaughter’s political leanings are still unfolding.)

I love them all, but in a way the one I know best is the middle-aged man across the table whose blue eyes look just like mine: my younger brother Paul.

Paul and I irritated each other when we were kids; I would take bites out of his precisely made sandwiches in just the spot I knew he didn’t want me to, and he would hang around the living room telling jokes when he knew I wanted to be alone with the boy on the couch.

But as adults we’ve always had each other’s backs, especially when it comes to dealing with our mother’s health crises, which have become more frequent in the past few years. Paul is the first person I want to talk to when there’s something that worries me about Mom; I know he’ll be worried, too.

There’s probably a biological explanation for the intensity of the sibling bond. Siblings share half their genes, which evolutionary biologists say should be motivation enough for mutual devotion. “I would lay down my life,” British biologist J.B.S. Haldane once said, applying the arithmetic of kin selection, “for two brothers or eight cousins.” Siblings are a crucial part of a child’s development, too, teaching one another socialization skills and the rules of dominance and hierarchy, all part of the eternal struggle for parental resources.

When psychologists study siblings, they usually study children, emphasizing sibling rivalry and the fact that brothers and sisters refine their social maneuvering skills on one another. The adult sibling relationship has only sporadically been the subject of attention. Yet we’re tethered to our brothers and sisters as adults far longer than we are as children; our sibling relationships, in fact, are the longest-lasting family ties we have.

Most such relationships are close — two-thirds of people in one large study said a brother or sister was one of their best friends. One thing that can scuttle closeness in adulthood is a parent who played favorites in childhood; this sense of resentment can last a lifetime.

Jill Suitor, a sociologist at Purdue University, and her colleagues polled 274 families with 708 adult children (ages 23 to 68) in 2009 and found that the majority had good feelings toward their siblings. Most didn’t remember much favoritism when they were kids, but those who did reported feeling less loved and cared for by their siblings. It didn’t matter whether they felt themselves to be the favored or the unfavored child. The simple perception of parental favoritism was enough to undermine their relationship.

That’s one thing Paul and I have going for us: We’re pretty sure our parents treated us the same when we were growing up. Yet we’re very different people. Paul is gregarious while I’m shy, funny while I’m not, a terrific amateur saxophonist while I can’t read music or carry a tune. This isn’t unusual. In families with more than one child, every sibling seems to get a label in contrast to every other sibling.

So if your kid sister is the queen bee in any social gathering, you might get labeled “the quiet one” even if you’re not especially quiet, just quiet in comparison. And if you’re a bright child who always gets good grades, you might not get much credit for that if your big brother is a brilliant child with straight A’s. There’s only room for one “smart one” per family — you’ll have to come up with something else. (I was smart, but Paul was smarter; I ended up being the “good one.”)

The very presence of siblings in the household can be an education. When a new baby is born, writes psychologist Victor Cicirelli in the 1995 book Sibling Relationships Across the Life Span, “the older sibling gains in social skills in interacting with the younger” and “the younger sibling gains cognitively by imitating the older.”

They learn from the friction between them, too, as they fight for their parents’ attention. Mild conflict between brothers and sisters teaches them how to interact with peers, co-workers and friends for the rest of their lives.

The benefits can carry into old age. The literature on sibling relationships shows that during middle age and old age, indicators of well-being — mood, health, morale, stress, depression, loneliness, life satisfaction — are tied to how you feel about your brothers and sisters.

In one Swedish study, satisfaction with sibling contact in one’s 80s was closely correlated with health and positive mood — more so than was satisfaction with friendships or relationships with adult children. And loneliness was eased for older people in a supportive relationship with their siblings, no matter whether they gave or got support.

That’s why it’s so sad when things between siblings fall apart. This often happens when aging parents need care or die — old feelings of rivalry, jealousy and grief erupt all over again, masked as petty fights ostensibly over who takes Mom to the doctor or who calls the nursing home about Dad.

Many families get through their parents’ illnesses just fine, establishing networks where the workload is divided pretty much equally. So far, Paul and I have done fine, too. But about 40 percent of the time, according to one study, there is a single primary caregiver who feels like she (and it’s almost always a she) is not getting any help from her brothers and sisters, which can lead to serious conflict.

And because of the particular intensity of sibling relationships, such conflict cuts to the bone. People grieve for the frayed ties to their siblings as though they’ve lost a piece of themselves.

Throughout adulthood, the sibling relationship “is powerful and never static,” said Jane Mersky Leder, author of The Sibling Connection. Whether we are close to our siblings or distant, she writes, they remain our brothers and sisters — for better or for worse.

So let this all percolate as you sit down to turkey with your sometimes-complicated family. And remember the immortal words of folksinger Loudon Wainwright III, in a song called Thanksgiving. It’s about spending the holiday with a brother and a sister he rarely sees but still has intense feelings about:

On this auspicious occasion, this special family dinner

If I argue with a loved one, Lord, please make me the winner.

Science writer Robin Marantz Henig is a contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine and the author of nine books. This is an updated version of an article that we originally published on Nov. 27, 2014.

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