Many of you may think that I only listen to alternative, rock or ska music genres… Well, I do listen to other genres. The other two that most do not know of is 1) classical and 2) jazz.
Ever since high school and I discovered(?) Nat King Cole, I have been a huge fan of this great and beloved singer. His voice is just sheer amazement to me. It’s the kind that brings ease and comfort to my soul when I need it. Of all the songs he has sung, my all time favorite has to be “L-O-V-E”. You know… the song that goes “L is for the way you look at me. O is for the only one I see…”. Don’t make me sing it! 😛 In fact, that was one of my dreams (and still is), to be one of the backup singers for Nat King Cole. However, due to my lack of singing skills, (and the fact that the legendary singer is no longer here on earth) it will forever remain a dream in my heart.
Since then, I have also discovered Frank Sinatra. His voice is also rather legendary and memorable. What is in their voices??!! My all time favorite of his songs is “Fly me to the moon”. Other very significant singers to me include the great Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald.
Additionally, swing is an awesome variation on jazz (which is also why I love and discovered ska!). Indeed… you just wanna dance when you hear that and it puts you in the jive… Go listen to some! 😉