Which Drugs Actually Kill Americans [Infographic]

Death reporting in the U.S. requires an underlying cause—the event or disease that lead to the death. This chart represents all those listed in the CDC database as “accidental poisoning,” “intentional self-poisoning,” “assault by drugs,” and “poisoning with undetermined intent.

via Pocket http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-04/which-drugs-actually-kill-americans

Bullseye from 1,000 yards: Shooting the $17,000 Linux-powered rifle

My photographer, Steve, squints through a computerized scope squatting atop a big hunting rifle. We’re outdoors at a range just north of Austin, Texas, and the wind is blowing like crazy—enough so that we’re having to dial in more and more wind adjustment on the rifle’s computer.

via Pocket http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/03/bullseye-from-1000-yards-shooting-the-17000-linux-powered-rifle/

People Think Candy Bars With Green Nutrition Labels Are Healthier

No matter how smart we think we are, humanity continues to be fooled by simple marketing tricks. Various experiments have found wearing the color red is more likely to get you a date. Another new study suggests that a green hue can convince you that a candy bar isn’t really that unhealthy.

via Pocket http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-03/people-connect-green-packaging-healthy-food-even-candy-bars

Brush Your Teeth Before Breakfast (or 30 Minutes Afterward) for Stronger, Healthier Teeth

Common sense would tell you that brushing your teeth after eating breakfast is good, because you clean off all the gunk from your meal, right? Sometimes, though the opposite is true: You’re better off brushing beforehand, or waiting 30 minutes after you eat. Here’s why.

via Pocket http://lifehacker.com/5991833/brush-your-teeth-before-breakfast-or-30-minutes-after-for-stronger-healthier-teeth