The Quantum Internet Will Blow Your Mind. Here’s What It Will Look Like

This article appeared in the November 2020 issue of Discover magazine as “The Quest for a Quantum Internet.” Subscribe for more stories like these.

Call it the quantum Garden of Eden. Fifty or so miles east of New York City, on the campus of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Eden Figueroa is one of the world’s pioneering gardeners planting the seeds of a quantum internet. Capable of sending enormous amounts of data over vast distances, it would work not just faster than the current internet but faster than the speed of light — instantaneously, in fact, like the teleportation of Mr. Spock and Captain Kirk in Star Trek.

Sitting in Brookhaven’s light-filled cafeteria, his shoulder-length black hair fighting to free itself from the clutches of a ponytail, Figueroa — a Mexico native who is an associate professor at Stony Brook University — tries to explain how it will work. He grabs hold of two plastic coffee cup lids, a saltshaker, a pepper shaker and a small cup of water, and begins moving them around on the lunch table like a magician with cards.

“I’m going to have a detector here and a detector here,” he says, pointing to the two lids. “Now there are many possibilities. Either those two go in here” — he points to the saltshaker — “or the two go in there,” nodding at the cup of water. “And then depending on what happened there, that will be the state,” he says, holding up the black pepper shaker, “that I’m preparing here.” 

Got that? Me neither. But don’t worry. Only a few hundred or so physicists in the U.S., Europe and China really comprehend how to exploit some of the weirdest, most far-out aspects of quantum physics. In this strange arena, objects can exist in two or more states at the same time, called superpositions; they can interact with each other instantly over long distances; they can flash in and out of existence. Scientists like Figueroa want to harness that bizarre behavior and turn it into a functioning, new-age internet — one, they say, that will be ironclad for sending secure messages, impervious to hacking.

Already, Figueroa says his group has transmitted what he called “polarization states” between the Stony Brook and Brookhaven campuses using fiber infrastructure, adding up to 85 miles. Kerstin Kleese van Dam, director of Brookhaven Lab’s Computational Science Initiative, says it is “one of the largest quantum networks in the world, and the longest in the United States.”

Next, Figueroa hopes to teleport his quantum-based messages through the air, across Long Island Sound, to Yale University in Connecticut. Then he wants to go 50 miles east, using existing fiber-optic cables to connect with Long Island and Manhattan.

Eden Figueroa (right) has worked for several years on technology that would extend the distance that quantum particles can travel and still be entangled. Here Figueroa and researchers Mehdi Namazi (left) and Mael Flament (center), part of his team at Stony Brook University back in 2018, stand behind one prototype of technology that’s impervious to hacking. (Credit: Stony Brook University)

Kleese Van Dam says that although other groups in Europe and China have more funding and have been working much longer on the technology, in the U.S. “[Figueroa] is leading when it comes to having the knowledge and the equipment necessary to put together a quantum network in the next year or two.”

David Awschalom, a legend in the field who is a professor of spintronics and quantum information at the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering and director of the Chicago Quantum Exchange, calls Figueroa’s work “a fantastic project being done very thoughtfully and very well. I’m always cautious about saying something is the biggest or fastest,” he says. “It’s a worldwide effort right now in building prototype quantum networks as the next step toward building a quantum internet.” Other efforts to build quantum networks, he says, are underway in Japan, the U.K., the Netherlands and China — not to mention his own group’s project in Chicago.

U.S. efforts have lately been given a boost by the U.S. Department of Energy’s announcement in January that it would spend as much as $625 million to fund two to five quantum research centers. The move is part of the U.S. National Quantum Initiative signed into law by President Donald Trump on Dec. 21, 2018.

But what, really, is this thing called a quantum internet? How does it work? Figueroa, enraptured by his vision, told me of his plan with contagious enthusiasm, laughing sometimes as if it were all so simple that a child (or even an English major) could understand it. Not wanting to disappoint, I nodded my head and pretended that I knew what the hell he was talking about.

And, after spending two days with Figueroa last summer, following him around the campus of Brookhaven and the nearby Stony Brook, getting a firsthand look at his futuristic equipment, talking with other physicists around the world, reading a few books and perusing dozens of articles and studies, I began to kind of, sort of, get it. Not in all its unsettling depths, but in the general way that I understand how an internal-combustion engine goes vroom or why a toilet bowl flushes. And you can, too.

Untangling Entanglement

Leading me to the back room of his laboratory at Stony Brook, where he heads the quantum information technology group, Figueroa shows me a large table covered with a labyrinth of tiny mirrors, lasers and electronics. “This is where we create these photons that carry superpositions,” he says, “that then we can send into the fiber. OK? It’s very simple.” 


Curiously, all the implications of the quantum internet can be traced back to an experiment so straightforward you can do it in your living room. Called the double slit experiment, it was first performed more than 200 years ago by British polymath Thomas Young.

When shining a beam of light at a flat panel of material cut with two slits side-by-side, Young saw that the light passing through the slits created an interference pattern of dark and bright bands on a screen behind the panel. Only waves — light waves — emanating from the two slits could make such a pattern. Young concluded that Isaac Newton, who published a particle theory of light in 1704, was wrong. Light came in waves, not in particles.

(Credit: Roen Kelly/Discover)

But by the early 20th century, scientists had confirmed that light also came in particles — what physicist Gilbert N. Lewis called photons, or quanta. And incredibly, researchers found that even when single photons of light were sent flying one at a time at the double-slit panel, the interference pattern still appeared on the other side. Each particle, they realized, was also a wave, spread out like a schmear of cream cheese, and so traversed both slits simultaneously, thereby interfering with … itself on the other side.

Think on that. A single particle of light was in two places at once. That meant tickling a particle in one place should make it giggle in the other. Observing it in one place should reveal something about its twin. Erwin Schrödinger called the phenomenon entanglement — the very thing that Figueroa and other researchers are harnessing now to send information. Simply put, adding information, such as a message or data, to a particle in one location will make the data appear at the other location: the essence of teleportation.

But how, I ask Figueroa, do all these wild ideas work in practice, with nuts and bolts and physical devices?

“Let me show you where the magic happens,” he says.

Thanks for the Quantum Memories

“It’s just equipment and optics,” he tells me, pointing to an array of lasers and mirrors configured on a large table. “This is what people call Lego for adults.” On one end, a laser aims high-energy blue photons at a crystal, which breaks each one into a pair of lower-energy red photons; each of the two resulting red photons is now entangled with the other. Figueroa points out the path the photons take from mirror to mirror. “They do boop, boop, boop, boop, boop-boop-boop-boop. This is why we have this beautiful system. This is working, actually. This is beautiful,” he says.

Once entangled, one red photon is sent a short distance to a detector in Figueroa’s lab down the hall, while the other can be sent a dozen miles away to a detector at the Brookhaven National Lab. The differing distances would cause the two photons’ arrival times to fall slightly out of sync, which would disrupt their entanglement. To prevent that, Figueroa had to find a way to coordinate the arrival times of each down to the sub-nanosecond.

But how? Other quantum labs freeze their stay-at-home photons to near-absolute zero as a way of tapping the brakes. Figueroa’s innovation, by contrast, works at room temperature: an inch-long glass tube containing a fog of trillions of rubidium atoms. That first morning when I visit Figueroa’s lab, he puts one of these tubes in my hand.

“What is it?” I ask him.

He smiles and says, “A quantum memory.”

Back when he was pursuing his doctorate at the University of Konstanz in Germany, Figueroa tells me, he had asked his professor if it would be possible to build a system that would work at room temperature without costly, complex freezers.

“I don’t think so,” he was told. “But prove me wrong.”

So, he did. By bouncing photons off a series of carefully placed mirrors and bombarding a mist of rubidium atoms with a network of lasers, Figueroa discovered that he could tune the wavelengths of entangled photons to broadcast a signal that electrons in the rubidium fog could receive. Voila! The entangled state of the photon is transferred, momentarily, into the entire cloud of atoms. A fraction of a nanosecond later, the entangled photon moves on, arriving at the detector at the same moment as its twin.

Incredibly, since completing his doctorate in 2012, igueroa has miniaturized the entire system for holding quantum memories into a portable device smaller than a carry-on suitcase, small enough to mount on an ordinary rack of computer servers at a data center — a crucial innovation if a quantum internet is ever to go mainstream. As his colleague and collaborator Dimitrios Katramatos tells me later that day: “They are portable, right? So, we loaded some of them up in a van one day and brought them from Stony Brook to Brookhaven.”

“He drove his wife’s van,” Figueroa says with a laugh. “Ever since we have called it the Quantum Van.”

Entanglement Swapping

Another problem remains, however — one that neither Figueroa nor Katramatos (nor any other quantum engineer in the world) has fully figured out so far: how to successfully transmit quantum-entangled photons via fiber-optic cables past a barrier that appears around the 60-mile mark. Beyond it, photons unintentionally interact with the cable, its housing or even sunlight from above-ground, thereby destroying its entanglement.

(Credit: Sakkmesterke/Shutterstock)

The proposed solution, Figueroa explains, is something called “entanglement swapping.” And quantum engineers around the world are competing to apply the concept to a working prototype. 

“The idea has by now been around for 20 years,” says Mikhail Lukin, a leading quantum theoretician and experimentalist at Harvard University. “Up to now, no one has succeeded in building one capable of being used in a practical application. As far as I understand, that’s what [Figueroa]’s group is trying to do.”

To explain his plan, Figueroa leads me into a small meeting room, where he has it all mapped out on a whiteboard.

“Let me show you something really cool,” he says.

Instead of creating only one pair of entangled photons and trying to send it to a lab 100 miles away, he explains, a second set of entangled pairs are created in two different substations located at the 25-mile and 75-mile marks. These substations will shoot one photon of the pair toward each other and the other toward the closest of the two labs. When one photon from each of the two pairs meets at the 50-mile mark, they will become entangled, automatically entangling the other remaining photons in the distant laboratories. Once this entanglement has been shared, the information Figueroa wanted to send can be teleported to the lab 100 miles away, overcoming the barrier.

“You see?” he says with charming enthusiasm. “Easy.”

The Quantum Future

And what about teleporting not just information, not just messages, but also particles, molecules, cells or Captain Kirk? When the first experimental demonstration of entanglement was reported in December 1997, IBM physicist Charles H. Bennett told The New York Times: “It would be utterly infeasible to do it even on something as small as a bacterium.” (Bennett, it should be pointed out, had coined the term quantum teleportation four years earlier, so you would think he would be correct.)

But 21 years later, in the fall of 2018, Oxford University researchers reported exactly what Bennett had said was “utterly infeasible”: the entanglement of a living bacterium with a photon of light. Not all physicists were persuaded by the findings, however, based as they were on the Oxford team’s analysis of another group’s experiment. But then, nobody knows how far the quantum revolution will go — certainly not Figueroa.

(Credit: Yurchanka Siarhei/Shutterstock)

“Many of the things these devices will do, we are still trying to figure it out,” he tells me. “At the moment, we are just trying to create technology that works. The really far reaches of what is possible are still to be discovered.”

Before leaving him, I ask Figueroa how his friends, family and neighbors try to understand his cryptic work. He tells me a story about his father-in-law. Back when Figueroa was conducting postdoctoral research in Germany, his wife’s father came to visit. After giving him a two-hour tour of the lab, Figueroa asked him what he thought of it all.

“I didn’t understand a word you said in there,” his father-in-law said, “but I know it’s the most amazing thing I have ever seen.”

I could empathize. That’s how I felt before visiting Figueroa, interrogating him repeatedly over the phone, and reading his papers with far-out titles like “A Single-Atom Quantum Memory” and “Quantum Memory for Squeezed Light.” But after all that, the whole thing began to make sense to me. And I hope it does now for you, too.

Kind of.  

3 Easy Steps to Build a DIY Quantum Internet

Step 1. To build a quantum internet, you begin by entangling two photons so they behave like a single unit, no matter how far they might be separated. Easy peasy. To do this, take one high-energy blue photon, generated by a laser, and put it through a crystal that splits the photon into two lower-energy red photons. Now those photons are permanently entangled. Kind of like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, entangled till the end of time as Brangelina. Now go ahead and send one of those photons to your pal, Steven Spielberg, and keep the other one for yourself.

Which one did you send, Brad or Angelina? Until Spielberg looks through his peephole to see who’s on the other side of the door, you both have a random, 50-50 chance of seeing one or the other. In the quantum world, everything exists in a statistical blur. But that’s OK, because Brad and Angelina are just your conduit for sending information from one to the other.

Step 2. To send a meaningful message from Brad to Angelina, you need a third photon. Let’s call this one Jennifer Aniston. Put Jennifer through a polarizer — like the polarized lenses used in sunglasses — to set her atomic pole to a particular position on the vertical and horizontal axes. This gives you a quantum bit, or qubit, which can be a 0 or 1 at the same time. Similar to the 0s and 1s of digital data, qubits can be strung together to encode any message you want to send — say, the script for a new movie.

Step 3. You’re almost there! Now you need to entangle the qubit called Jennifer with the photon called Brad, who you’ve been hanging onto ever since you sent Angelina to Spielberg. To do that, put both Jennifer and Brad into a beam splitter. When you do, Jennifer becomes entangled not only with Brad, but also with Angelina, by virtue of the preexisting Brangelina connection. All three of them are entangled with each other.

Now get this: Because photons are so sensitive, the very act of measuring them (to be sure that they are in fact entangled) destroys them. So, both Brad and Jennifer vanish in your lab. But wait: Spielberg still has Angelina. And Angelina is still entangled with the information that Jennifer had. This means — ta da! — the information Jennifer was carrying has now been teleported, instantaneously, to Spielberg’s photon.

You did it! Now you can only hope Spielberg remembers to thank you at the Oscars. — D.H.

Dan Hurley is a science reporter and longtime contributor to Discover.

via Discover Main Feed

October 3, 2020 at 06:01PM

Texas company aims to 3D-print buildings on the moon with ‘Project Olympus’

A Texas company aims to take its innovative homebuilding approach into the final frontier.

Austin-based startup ICON, known for 3D-printing houses here on Earth, just launched Project Olympus, an ambitious effort to develop a space-based construction system. The program will eventually help humanity get a foothold on the moon and Mars, if all goes according to plan.

“From the very founding of ICON, we’ve been thinking about off-world construction. It’s a surprisingly natural progression if you are asking about the ways additive construction and 3D printing can create a better future for humanity,” ICON co-founder and CEO Jason Ballard said in a company statement

“I am confident that learning to build on other worlds will also provide the necessary breakthroughs to solve housing challenges we face on this world,” Ballard said. “These are mutually reinforcing endeavors.”

Related: 10 ways 3D printing could transform space travel

Project Olympus will get a boost from a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract that ICON recently signed with the U.S. Air Force to expand the capabilities of its 3D-printing tech. 

The four-year deal is worth $14.55 million, according to the Austin Business Journal. (You can find the outlet’s story here, but it’s behind a paywall.) NASA is contributing 15% of the SBIR sum, ICON representatives told

NASA’s interest in ICON’s tech makes sense. The space agency is working, via its Artemis program of crewed lunar exploration, to establish a long-term human presence on and around the moon by the end of the 2020s. Making this happen will require extensive use of lunar resources, including water ice (for life support and rocket fuel) and moon dirt (for building materials), NASA officials have stressed. 

A similar devotion to “living off the land” will likely be necessary for sustained human exploration of Mars, an ambitious goal that Artemis will inform and advance, NASA officials have said.

As part of the newly announced SBIR deal, ICON will partner with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama to test a variety of processing and printing technologies using simulated lunar soil. The research will build upon tech that ICON demonstrated in 2018 during NASA’s 3D Printed Habitat Challenge, company representatives said.

“We want to increase the technology readiness level and test systems to prove it would be feasible to develop a large-scale 3D printer that could build infrastructure on the moon or Mars,” Corky Clinton, associate director of Marshall’s Science and Technology Office, said in a NASA statement. “The team will use what we learn from the tests with the lunar simulant to design, develop and demonstrate prototype elements for a full-scale additive construction system.”

Project Olympus will be aided by other partnerships as well. For example, ICON is teaming with two architecture firms on the program — SEArch+ (Space Exploration Architecture) and Denmark-based BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group.

“To explain the power of architecture, ‘formgiving’ is the Danish word for design, which literally means to give form to that which has not yet been given form. This becomes fundamentally clear when we venture beyond Earth and begin to imagine how we are going to build and live on entirely new worlds,” BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group founder and creative director Bjarke Ingels said in the ICON statement. 

“With ICON, we are pioneering new frontiers — both materially, technologically and environmentally,” Ingels said. “The answers to our challenges on Earth very well might be found on the moon.” 

Mike Wall is the author of “Out There” (Grand Central Publishing, 2018; illustrated by Karl Tate), a book about the search for alien life. Follow him on Twitter @michaeldwall. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom or Facebook. 


October 2, 2020 at 04:18PM

LG’s Wing is a weird, surprisingly practical smartphone

When it comes to offering more screen real estate on a smartphone, manufacturers have two options: either go with a flexible display à la Samsung’s Galaxy Z Fold 2, or attach a secondary screen like the LG Velvet. While the latter is obviously the easier (and cheaper) option, both implementations have a common problem: multi-tasking only works well when both apps are in portrait orientation, due to the design of most apps. 

This can be a big problem. If I watch YouTube and Netflix videos in landscape, but then load Twitter or Facebook on the bottom half of the phone, these would be stretched wide, making it difficult to read text or view images. This is where the LG Wing 5G’s bizarre swivel-screen design comes in, and having used a pre-production unit for about a week (and having used both the Velvet and the Galaxy Fold), this is by far my favorite multi-screen phone yet. 

Having a screen that swivels from portrait to landscape on a phone isn’t entirely new. Long before foldable phones and dual-screen phones became a thing, there were feature phones predominantly in Asia that came with this type of screen — albeit a tiny one with a 4:3 aspect ratio — to serve markets that offered mobile digital TV services, such as South Korea’s DMB (Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) and Japan’s 1seg. You’d hold onto the main body (remember those keypads?) in portrait, then rotate the screen to landscape and watch live TV on the go.

In the case of the LG Wing, it has a 6.8-inch P-OLED screen that swivels in a clockwise direction to landscape mode (aka Swivel Mode), in which it reveals a smaller 3.9-inch screen below. On paper, that’s great for my use case: I can fully utilize that vibrant 2,460 x 1,080 display for watching video, while simultaneously fueling my social media addiction using the smaller 1,080 x 1,240 panel.

LG Wing 5G
Richard Lai/Engadget

With the main screen closed, the LG Wing looks like any other flagship smartphone, save for its extra thickness — about 2.8mm more than the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra and the iPhone 11 Pro Max. It also happens to be a good-looking phone, especially with the chic “Illusion Sky” gradient finish underneath the frosted glass on my unit. The weight, though, is more noticeable — an extra 56 g or almost two ounces compared to the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra. To put things into perspective, though, this is still lighter and slimmer than the Dual Screen-equipped Velvet.

While there’s a knack to it, it didn’t take long to find the sweet spot for pushing the Wing’s main screen up. It’s located at almost two-thirds the way down the right side, and with my right thumb, it’s just a slight horizontal push before the spring mechanism takes over. As the screen rotation reaches its final 15 degrees, a hydraulic damper kicks in to slow it down. To retract the screen, I simply push the top-left corner down until the spring takes over in the last 15 degrees.

LG Wing 5G
Richard Lai/Engadget

Once I got the hang of it, it did feel like playing with a large fidget toy made for one’s right hand. Even as I was typing up this article, I couldn’t help but occasionally fiddle with the swivel screen while procrastinating. There was just something really satisfying about swinging and clicking this spring-loaded screen. As a bonus, you’d naturally want to show off this unique form factor to other people. That said, LG says the hinge will eventually show its age after 200,000 swivels, and while 30 swivels a day would translate to over 18 years of usage, it would still be wise to resist the temptation.

Despite this being a pre-production unit, the software felt well-polished. With the exception of apps that lack landscape mode, I didn’t have any issue with jumping between normal mode and Swivel Mode — something I tended to do while using YouTube or Google Maps. Sometimes the software interface did take almost two seconds to rotate when in Swivel Mode, though I’m not sure if LG can do anything about this — and now I’m nitpicking.

LG Wing 5G
Richard Lai/Engadget

Much like LG’s recent dual-screen phones, you can create multi-app shortcuts on the Wing. These can be found on the second lower screen, and they let you simultaneously launch two pre-selected apps with a single tap. The combos that I often use have YouTube running on the horizontal main screen, with Facebook, Twitter or Chrome on the bottom display. That said, sometimes I’d just put the second screen to sleep (using “Grip Lock” in the pull drawer), and simply use the phone’s body as a more comfortable grip while watching videos on the landscape main screen.

LG Wing 5G
Richard Lai/Engadget

It’s worth pointing out that even in Swivel Mode, you can hold this T-shaped phone in any orientation you want, so you can still use the main screen in portrait, with the second screen sticking out on either the left or right side (with the phone’s rotation lock disabled first, of course). For this, I made extra multi-app shortcuts with some of the aforementioned apps set in reverse order. And if I really wanted to, I could run a third app on the main screen as well using the multi-window mode. In all cases, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G processor kept the multi apps running smoothly.

Some apps can even be extended to both screens on the Wing. The Gallery app can show an image or clip on the large screen while featuring the camera gallery on the second screen. This is great for showing your shots to family and friends around you, as your fingers won’t block their view. On a related note, when you edit a video clip from the Gallery app, the editing tools stay on the second screen so that they don’t get in the way of your masterpiece.

LG Wing 5G
Richard Lai/Engadget

The camera app goes one step further by reserving two special modes for the Wing’s Swivel Mode. First of all, Gimbal Mode uses digital cropping and electronic stabilization to mimic the smooth panning motion of a mechanical handheld gimbal, and this is all done via the Wing’s 12-megapixel Ultra Wide Big Pixel camera. There’s a virtual joystick on the second screen for panning or tilting the “camera” (the actual camera on the back doesn’t move, obviously) which, to be frank, seems a little gimmicky, but the three stabilization options offered here do come in handy — you’ll most likely be using First Person View mode if you’re jogging or hiking, for instance.

The second camera mode that uses both screens is Dual Recording. Much like Nokia’s “bothies” feature, this captures footage from both the 32-megapixel pop-up selfie camera and the 12-megapixel rear camera at the same time. You can pick either a split view output or have a picture-in-picture format, both of which may make fun videos when we get to travel again.

LG Wing 5G
Richard Lai/Engadget

LG also worked with some third-party developers to get more apps to run on both screens on the Wing. YouTube offers video control buttons on the second screen. Then there’s Naver’s Whale web browser which automatically “beams” any video embed on your current webpage to the main screen, while you continue to browse on the second screen. Gameloft also tweaked its racing game Asphalt 9: Legends for the Wing, in order to use the second screen to show the map — a feature already made available on the TwinView Docks for ASUS’ ROG Phones.

The only real pain point that I came across in Swivel Mode was when it came to typing. When I wanted to do that with the top app, the keyboard would pop up on the top screen, which made for an awkward typing experience with a keyboard stretched wide. I originally assumed that the second screen would serve as the keyboard instead for easier typing, but that wasn’t the case. Which would you prefer? Make the keyboard always show up on the active screen, or to make it show up on the second screen for easier typing? LG should at least give us both options to cover all grounds.

Another issue that I came across — and one that I hate to admit — happened during a recent ferry ride. The phone managed to slip out of my pocket and dropped on the floor. While my unit was wearing the bundled hard case at the time, that only covered the main body and left the slim swivel screen fully exposed. As a result, my phone picked up light scratches at the two top corners of the main screen, along with a small dent near the earpiece. I can’t imagine what kind of damage the Wing would take if I had dropped it while in Swivel Mode. But the good news is that despite the presence of the swivel hinge, LG still managed to obtain an IP54 rating for dust and water resistance here.

LG Wing 5G
Richard Lai/Engadget

For me, the Wing is fine as it is in terms of dual-screen usability, though it’d be nice to have a slightly taller second screen if LG ever plans on making a Wing 2. And maybe it could shed a few grams as well. For now, the Wing sits comfortably between conventional smartphones and foldable dual-screen phones, allowing practical dual-screen use cases while keeping its size and weight to a new minimum in this class. Even for a multi-tasking nerd such as myself, LG proved with this weird phone that I don’t need two full-size screens — and I certainly don’t need a flexible display (yet).

Key specs

LG Wing 5G


Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G

RAM / storage

8GB/128GB or 256GB

MicroSD card support


Main Screen

6.8-inch P-OLED

Display resolution

2,460 x 1,080

Second Screen

3.9-inch G-OLED

Display resolution

1,240 x 1,080

Rear cameras

64MP f/1.8 main camera with OIS, 13MP f/1.9 ultra wide camera, 12MP f/2.2 ultra wide big pixel camera

Front-facing camera

32MP f/1.9 pop-up camera


Android 10




USB-C, supports Quick Charge 4.0+ and wireless charging


169.5 x 74.5 x 10.9 mm



Fingerprint sensor

Yes, under screen





Headphone jack



Yes, mmWave and sub-6

via Engadget

October 2, 2020 at 09:12AM