Yet another Chinese firm launches an Android rival

If Frank Herbert was around today, the tagline of Dune would probably be "those that control their own operating system, controls the universe." It’s an idea that China’s tech firms have taken to heart, crafting their own platforms in the hope of top…

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A Chrome extension taught me to love the internet again

The internet hasn’t been the happiest place for me lately. Over the past three years or so I’ve watched friends, colleagues and loved ones battle trolls; I’ve learned of tragedies, both personal and public; and I continue to deal with some extremely …

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IBM Shows Off a Quantum Computing Chip

A new superconducting chip made by IBM demonstrates a technique crucial to the development of quantum computers.

A superconducting chip developed at IBM demonstrates an important step needed for the creation of computer processors that crunch numbers by exploiting the weirdness of quantum physics. If successfully developed, quantum computers could effectively take shortcuts through many calculations that are difficult for today’s computers.

from New on MIT Technology Review