Your Giant American Refrigerator Is Making You Fat And Poor

Your Giant American Refrigerator Is Making You Fat And Poor

There is a fair chance that if you’re reading this post, your fridge—the most-used and largest appliance in your house—is screwing you. The refrigerator is as potent a symbol of American consumerist culture as you’re likely to find, which is to say, it only makes sense if you don’t really look at it very hard. It is, for many people, a waste of space, a waste of money, a drain on the environment, and an enabler of obesity.

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from Gizmodo

Use Your Smartphone To Improve Your Sleep

Use Your Smartphone To Improve Your Sleep

Stories of how technology is bad for our health are par for the course, but smartphones—and the apps on them—can be used to make significantly positive changes as well. One of the areas where you’ll find a cornucopia of brilliant apps is in the field of sleep. Here’s a small selection of apps that might help you actually get some.

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from Gizmodo

How the “10 Percent of Our Brains” Myth Started (And Why It’s Wrong)

Morgan Freeman can make anything sound legit no matter scientifically implausible. In Lucy for example, which premiered last Friday, his character cites the "fact" that humans only use about 10 percent of our brain’s resources. This is very, very wrong! But why does it keep getting tossed around? And how much of our brains are we actually using?

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from Gizmodo

The First Man-Made Biological Leaf Turns Light and Water Into Oxygen

If humanity hopes to realize its dreams of exploring the stars, we’re going to need to find ways to recreate life on Earth aboard a spaceship. Simply stockpiling enough vital supplies isn’t going to cut it, which is what led Julian Melchiorri, a student at the Royal College of Art, to create an artificial biological leaf that produces oxygen just like the ones on our home planet do.

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from Gizmodo