Haha, these super short 3D animations about a tiny world are so cute

Haha, these super short 3D animations about a tiny world are so cute

I wish these 3D animation shorts were a full movie. Called Tiny Worlds, it shows miniature sized characters and machines solving normal sized problems. Cigarette flicked on the ground? A tiny submarine will blast it away. Matches left on the street? A mini semi truck will haul it away. Gum on the sidewalk? Let’s call the small bulldozer. It’s super cute.

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Quirky and GE cook up a smarter, prettier air conditioner

Quirky is more than just bendy power strips these days — recently, it’s been pushing its vision of the connected home thanks to a multi-million dollar partnership with GE. So far their deal has yielded stuff like intelligent egg trays (seriously)…

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How NASA’s Supercritical Wings Save Airlines Millions Every Year

How NASA's Supercritical Wings Save Airlines Millions Every Year

Throughout the 1950s and 60s, aviation engineers struggled to overcome an important issue: That planes became increasingly difficult to control, the closer they got to the sound barrier. It wasn’t until NASA strapped a pair of custom-made wings onto this fighter that supersonic flight became not just feasible, but downright commonplace.

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from Gizmodo http://ift.tt/1eL5Km3