From There, I Fixed It – Redneck Repairs: Historical Thursday: Flying Tanks

white trash repairs - Historical Thursday: Flying Tanks

After World War I, military development and testing had reached an unprecedented height. The recent developments in technology had given birth to new inventions that changed the landscape of the battlefield. Two machines in particular emerged in the previous decades that had never been used on a large scale; tanks and airplanes. The next step was obvious – combine the two.

America, Russia and England all tinkered with the idea of transporting the grounded beasts, but the USSR really led the way. After attempts at parachuting mini-tanks from bombers, they hired engineer Oleg Antonov to design a dedicated glider that could parachute full-sized tanks.

After years of development and multiple failures, the project was finally scrapped when the Soviets finally acknowledged there was no plane in existed that could carry the weight of a tank. Fortunately the world never had to experience the fear of a tank gliding 200mph through the air, and the scientist began their work on flying sharks.



from There, I Fixed It – Redneck Repairs

From Gizmodo: A Congressman Thinks The Onion Is a Real News Source

John Fleming, a Republican US representative from Louisiana, made a dimwitted mistake on his Facebook page last week. Hell, it might be even more embarrassing than naked pics! Here’s what happened: Fleming missed the obvious humor of a satirical piece by The Onion and posted the fake piece to his Facebook followers as a real thing to take seriously. How did this man get elected? More »
from Gizmodo