Two Generations of Pastors


I wanted to show my pride in the two generations of pastors in our family.  My father had sent me this article where he and my younger brother were featured in Korean Christian Daily newspaper.  Loosely translated, my brother Paul states that he had become a pastor “from watching our father’s faithfulness in pastoring… not focusing on tough life of now but focusing on the eternal importance of the future.”  Good stuff… I wanted to show my pride in two people that have dedicated their lives to serving God.

3 Replies to “Two Generations of Pastors”

  1. Don’t forget you are a cool Jang too. 😉 How was Dallas? We cooked chigae, pancake, and pork belly at my house Sunday but too bad you were in Dallas. 🙁

  2. They seem to be pretty skinny dudes. Not that I am saying you are fat, Peter. I mean, I know that I am bigger than my father… 🙂

    Anyway, they look good in a suit, you should wear a suit too. Do you even have a suit?

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