I love rubs… or a massage. So I ask Soojin always for a rub on my back.
Well, it must be genetic… ’cause my kids do too! Either when they are sleepy (before or after sleep) or when they are sick, they always ask us to rub them. Almost always, it’s the back. They can take it for tens and tens of minutes!! And if I stop, they get cranky and ask for more… and then Soojin says, “Taste your own medicine!” Hee… I don’t mind that much…
What I do mind is when they say their butt itches and they want me to scratch it!!
Why is that? Oh well… Physical touch, I believe, is one of the main ways the kids feel that they are loved. So I naturally try to give them more hugs and kisses… and rubs on their back and their butts!! Ok… I will say it… “There’s no butt about it!!”