This may sound very odd. Heck, it will just downright sound weird. Why? ‘Cause that’s what I believe is my calling. In the fourth of CHOICE as prescribed by our Pastor Shawn, when it comes to inspiration, I don’t have much to give… except for a few. In Korean word, people call me as the ???, King of Off-the-wall Humor. I have very weird sense of humor, let alone have developed a rather … un… unique … personality.
It’s a calling to me. Almost on an inspiration level. What the heck am I talking about? I believe that comedians and clowns are rather misunderstood and underappreciated people. They have the gift of breaking the ice. When the situation needs a soft change, clowns and comedians sacrifice themselves to make others laugh. Such is what I believe to be one of my callings.
If others can see that even people like myself can be so odd, nerdy, and weird, I want those who are not as well accepted or received to feel… welcome. To both inspire, but more to encourage others who feel that they are bit odd and weird to feel accepted is something only an outsider or outcast can understand.
Did I make sense? I doubt I did to most… but to those that I did, I pray that you’d be inspired to be the you that God has created and not be ashamed of it… no matter how weird you think you may be.