NPR Show: Car Talk

Every Saturday morning at 9:00 am, on Houston’s Public Radio station, 88.7 FM, National Public Radio‘s THE best show comes online…

Car Talk

It’s a talk show from two brothers who consult on car troubles from the callers all over the US.  However, what’s so fun and great is their interactions… with each other and the callers!  Though they may sound old (and they are), they are so much fun to listen to!  I have never had a radio show that I wanted to tune in so badly!  They now have podcasts so I’m tempted to get them as well (check out their website)…

Not only that, they are very good at what they mainly talk about:  cars.  I pick up so many things about it that it’s just unbelievable!  Give them a try if you haven’t already…  I am a big fan now!

Coffee Cutout

I’ve always enjoyed coffee.  In fact, I’ve even experimented with it when I was like 10 years old!  I mixed cocoa with coffee thinking I had created the something magnificent when in fact, mocha was already in existence!

I’ve also worked with a German professor and a Russian post-doc who make their coffee extra punchy!  However, since starting to work, I’ve gotten used to the thinner coffee.  Still, I drink about 2 cups a day!  So I’ve begun for myself a campaign to cut off the amount.  Starting yesterday, I decided to drink 2x 2/3 cups (= 1 1/3 cups).  After few more weeks, I will just be down to 1 cup a day.  I already try not to drink it when I can, make my body not get used to patterns.

That smell and aroma…  mmm…  you see, I used to drink about 4 cups a week!  However, that was before having kids… and it became just necessity.  As they sleep better, I hope to go back to that…  Here’s to your… um… alertness!  😛

Friendly Rival & Competition: Parents Fighting for the Kids’ Affection

Ever since we had Anna, I’ve had a jealous heart towards my wife. You see, Anna always preferred (naturally, I suppose) her mommy over daddy… especially at night. Soojin used to console me by saying that it’s natural this way and after all, she did spend most time with Anna since I had to go work.

Well, times do change after all… enter…

…number 2! 😀 JJ was then born… and he naturally started to grow more affectionate towards me more than Soojin! Naturally, Soojin began to get jealous! Hee… and I told her … the same story she told me!

It’s quite funny actually…. it’s not that we love our kids any less or more than each other… but when you feel that your kids love the other parent, it just feels… sad. Today was such a day again… JJ woke up while sleeping and as I went to console him, he called out for daddy. Ah… what a joyful kid, eh?! Got his act straight! LOL… Anyhow, my wife heard JJ calling for me. After I put him back to sleep and as we finished watching “The Road Home” (a very touching and an awesome movie by the way!), JJ woke up again. As I got myself up, Soojin insisted on putting him to sleep… When I went to take a look, JJ was dangling around her hand (the ring finger) and calling out mommy. And Soojin just ate that stuff up! 🙂 And Anna soon joined in and then curled up next to her with her hands together as a pillow.

What does this all add up to? Just two very happy and joyful parents.

Anna The Slave Driver

You get to see quite lots of odd and funny moments when you raise kids.
Today was such a day.  I was playing with Anna and JJ when Anna hurt her feet on the tile.  She came to me (pseudo) crying for comfort and for me to blow her feet!

Well, I was being creative when I also shook her feet around the ankle to help her forget the pain.  However, much to my surprise, as I “flapped” her ankle and blew at the toes, she suddenly said…

“Appa, faster!  Faster!!”

I just died laughing!!  She said it in such a fashion as of befitting a slave driver!  I can only feel sympathy for her future significant other! 

Upcoming Intel CPU: Conroe, finally killing AMD!


AMD has enjoyed wonderful past few years with the enthusiast market with their Athlon64 and Opteron CPUs.  They are awesome in performance and value!  AND they destroeyd Pentium 4’s performance!

However, now that is thrown into an earthquake as Intel will be releasing a new CPU, code named Conroe.

Here’s a preview of the comparison and performance…. and all I have to say is…  WOW!

Lovers’ Cups from MIT!

Two Korean students came up with rather interesting idea!

Read the article here…  Very cute and interesting indeed… only possible from the nerdy minds of MIT!  😉