From Wired Top Stories: How an Indie Designer Landed Her Plushies at Petco

Petco was searching for a new way to re-energize the pet-friendly toy line of their nationwide chain when they found Kristin Tercek. The NYU film school grad started her career producing animations for Coca-Cola, Cartoon Network, and Saturday Night Live. But it wasn’t her on-screen endeavors that caught the pet supply store’s attention. It was her line of hand-sewn plushies, with a following among collectors, gallery owners, and a category manager at Petco.

from Wired Top Stories

From Ars Technica: Apple v. Samsung verdict is in: $1 billion loss for Samsung

Aurich Lawson

A jury of seven men and two women has just read the Apple v. Samsung verdict to a packed courtroom—and it was all bad news for Samsung. The Korean electronics giant has been found to infringe all of Apple’s utility patents and all but one of the four design patents asserted, and was ordered to pay more than $1.05 billion in damages to Apple.

That’s less than the $2.75 billion Apple asked for, but still a huge sum. If it holds up on appeal, it will stand as the largest patent verdict of all time. More importantly, it gives Apple a huge leg-up in the corporate patent wars, and immeasurably strengthens the company’s negotiating position with regard to the Android phones it is struggling against.

Samsung has been the number one seller of smartphones in the U.S. in the past few years, and this verdict could alter the balance of power. Apple’s ultimate target is Google, which created the Android operating system that runs on Samsung smartphones. Steve Jobs thought Android was a rip-off of Apple products, and vowed to declare “thermonuclear war” on the competing OS, according to his biography.


from Ars Technica

From Droid Life: Analysts: Google’s Nexus 7 Sales Could Reach 8 Million By the End of 2012

Taken from the number of sales of the displays used in the device, it looks like Google will be looking at a grand total of 8 million Nexus 7 tablets sold by the end of 2012. According to what Google had previously expected to sell since the July launch, that’s more than double the previous estimates. Google spokespeople have yet to confirm these projections, but once the sales numbers are posted, folks are likely to be happily surprised at the popularity of the Jelly Bean-powered device.

I know I could speak for most readers here that it’s easily been one of the most popular Android devices ever launched. With fantastic build quality, Jelly Bean, and that unbeatable $200-$250 price tag, it can’t be beat.

Via: Computer World

Cheers Sameer!

from Droid Life