IKEA Chair Modded Into Functional R/C Airplane

IKEA Chair Modded Into Functional R/C Airplane



This is a video of the guys from Youtube channel FliteTest modding a cheap wooden IKEA Jokkmokk chair into a functional, flying R/C airplane (previously: a Little Tykes Cozy Coupe plane). It actually flies surprisingly well too. Me? I do not fly very well. Imagine the most annoying child you’ve ever experienced on a flight, then double that and add six cocktails, divide by having not eaten anything, and take that to the power of a man who’s always dreamed of serenading all the passengers on a flight though the plane’s loudspeaker with a song about being eaten by a giant metal bird, and you’ve got about half of me. *check math* A quarter of me.

Keep going for the video, but skip to 7:00 if you’re just interested in the flight test.

Thanks to Wade, who informed me he once made an IKEA desk fly over a balcony after it refused to be assembled correctly. It happens.

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via Geekologie – Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome http://geekologie.com/

May 16, 2018 at 11:35AM

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