Google Builds Mortgage Calculator Right Into Search

Starting today, a new feature has been built right into Search from Google – a complete mortgage calculator. Using this handy dandy calculator, users can estimate how much they can borrow, simply by throwing in a wanted monthly payment and APR. Not only that, but you can also track monthly payments when you input the […]

Google Builds Mortgage Calculator Right Into Search is a post from: Droid Life

from Droid Life

Save the sashimi: rising mercury levels in Hawaiian ahi indicate a global problem

Tuna are some of the most popular fishes on Earth. Globally, more than 4.3 million tonnes of tuna are caught every year, valued at more than $5.5 billion dollars. Yellowfin tuna, the species most commonly labeled as ahi in sushi restaurants nationwide, is the preferred tuna in developed nations like the US and the UK, but the world’s favorite sashimi may soon be stricken from the menu, as scientists have found that mercury levels in tuna are rising at a rate of 3.8% or more annually. More im

from Discover Magazine