“Lost” Finale – Remarks


In case you haven’t heard or really follow the series, “Lost” is finally found.  It’s over.  Yup.  Series has ended as of Sunday, and I finally got to see the ending…

In case you also forgot, this series was directed by the one and the same:  J. J. Abrams who brought “Alias” to us.   Yup.  I hated the ending to that series.  The complicated plot that should’ve been addressed more appropriately came to a screeching and frustrating ending.  “Lost” has NOT been any different!  It has brought in way more questions than answers… each season!  By third season, I was officially frustrated with it and watched it only to watch with my wife.

So when I heard this would be the last season, I didn’t have very high expectation thinking that J.J. would botch this one too.  It was a mixed review on Sunday night when I rudely discovered that the series finale would air on Sunday instead of its ‘regular’ Tuesday.  Not only that, people were already throwing out spoilers!  Sheesh… But I managed to stay away and finally watched the finale today.


I expected disappointment and while I wasn’t blown away for sure, it ended rather… pleasantly.  No it did NOT answer all the questions… including what the island is to begin with and why it’s there in the first place!  However, what I did NOT expect was the more personal touch to the series.  As all the cast members gathered in the church towards the end, it felt like the writers were hinting at religious theme and an ending.  That’s not what made me forgive its (still) botchy ending.  It was how the characters interacted to the end.  Also, the way the black smoke/John was killed off by “turning” off the light source was ingenious and was not expected!

I guess the writers and the directors knew that the ending was impossible to answer all the questions… so only with few major questions answered, they decided to leave it to our imaginations.  And you know what?  Unlike “Alias” ending, I was not minding it at all… I still would love to find out more answers and wished for more concrete implications of what the final “gathering” in the church meant but I will let the show go…

Recycling for My Kids’ Future

Did you know that the Incheon Airport in Korea is built on landfill?  Yes it is.  If you are local to Houston, you should know that Pearland is built right next to a huge garbage landfill!  It is getting so big and bad that people are starting to complain!   Why should this concern you, you ask?

We all become advocates for change because we believe in something.  I am becoming more and more of recycling and natural resource advocate because I don’t want to pass down to my kids a place filled with garbage and no natural resources!  Is what I’m doing enough?  Doubtful.  Is what I’m doing a bit too late?  Probably.  But I don’t want to tell my kids that I didn’t do anything.

Nor should you.  Fact is that we humans consume too much.  If you are gonna consume, at least be bit smarter about it.  Recycle.  At Ellington Airfield, Clear Lake area people have a place to drop off all kinds of stuff to recycle.  I sure hope to give it all I’ve got to help my kids’ place better…

Brain Working Overtime

I have been busy with work past two months.  Last week, more things culminated to the point where I was having hard time figuring some stuff out.  It had to do with understanding different … assumptions.  Needless to say, I left last Friday unfinished and unresolved.

Indirectly and directly, I kept thinking about the issues at hand and tried to make sense of what the differences were and how it should be addressed.  (Sorry for such abstract words but it is proprietary project) My brain functioned more indirectly than direct as lots were happening that weekend.  However, by the end of the weekend, I had finally understood how to address the differences and begun to understand what changes needed to be entailed.

I was rather surprised at how human brains can still work in “background” mode (you Linux nerds may get a chuckle out of that one!) and still manage to process the work while immersed in other activities fully.

Recent Thoughts on What a Church Should Be

None of us are perfect.  Even after being Christians.  Actually, let me correct myself…  Especially, after becoming Christians.  So I was naturally more and more disappointed to find out that we are even less and less tolerant of those that are not Christians, let alone being different.   After all, that’s exactly the same groups that Jesus warned us NOT to be like – the Pharisees!

However, we become more and more reclusive people that only accept “clean” people.  Today’s Sunday school was about how God accepts and loves EVERYTHING about us.  Yet, we as church, seem to require that people change before we come to God’s church to grow and receive Him.  Jesus often compared Himself as a doctor who came to heal the sick.  That would imply that the people were still not saved.  Yet, over 2000 years, we somehow changed to allowing “pre-requisites”.  We want “decent” people only… if we lack any skills, be it social or intellectual, if we lack any riches or economic standing, we don’t seem as receptive.

I say the more screwed up we are, the more we need Christ in our lives!  That can only happen if we receive all those that enter God’s doors just as they are!  Is that too much to ask?!  Is that too crazy to demand of?!