Freddie & Fannie CEOs will leave with Millions?!

NPR News Article

What the fudge?!  Two of the biggest mortgage financing firms are on the brink of disappearance, so much that the government is taking them over, and their CEOs still get to leave with millions of dollars?!  I know our country is based on capitalism, but come on!!  It’s bad enough that we as tax payers will be paying for the salvage of these two financial nightmares, but letting the CEO’s go with millions?!!

I say enough is enough!  Let them all rot!  😡  Government needs to freeze those CEOs’ fat pockets when it’s their fault as well!!  What happened to good ol’ fashioned “go down with the ship” mentality?!  It’s gone, I tell ya.  I hope the two CEOs have miserable lives!  Erg…

I got hacked! Part II – PayPal

I wake up this morning and get two e-mails from PayPal. They are receipts that get sent automatically upon paying someone. I don’t recognize the site and checked it out. The whole site is in Chinese!! 😡 My account got hacked obviously so I logged in to change password and such and then file a claim for unauthorized payments.

Later on, the website personnel called me to confirm if this was my own doing or not.  Of course, I told him it wasn’t.  I also filed for them to look into this case.  While it’s not much, $52.50 total, it’s the CONCEPT that they could’ve taken a whole lot more!

Lessons learned:

  • Make your passwords stronger by using non-words only that you know
  • Change the passwords frequently.

I hope this doesn’t happen again.